![]() TM 9-1260-477-34
Assembly (Figure 4-14).
(2) Seat retainer ring (11) firmly in place
against shoulder on adjusting screw shaft.
(1) Position gimbal (29) in lower flange (9).
(3) Install new spring pin (10) thru retainer
ring (11) and adjusting screw shaft (14).
(2) Install two dowel pins (8) through open center
of gimbal to attach gimbal to lower flange (9).
(4) Install adjusting screw cover (13).
(3) Position upper flange (1) around gimbal.
Position locking screw springs (7).
Assembly per
Vehicle Adapter
(5) Install
(4) Position three "C" clamps over upper (1) and
Adjust clamps as required to
lower (9) flanges.
compress locking screw springs (7) and align dowel pin
(8) holes on gimbal (29) and upper flange.
a. Disassemble
(5) Install two dowel pins (8) through open
center of gimbal to attach upper flange (1) to gimbal
(1) Remove LD/R, TU, and Vehicle Adapter Assembly
(29). Remove "C" clamps.
Place Vehicle
per paragraphs 4-59, 4-60, and 4-61.
Adapter Assembly on a suitable work table.
(6) Install Vehicle Adapter Assembly per paragraph
(2) Remove
Remove upper flange (1) per paragraph 4-66a.
a. Disassembly (iqure 4-l4).
(4) Insert drive pin punch between spring coils.
Drive spring pin (4) out of retainer ring (5).
(1) Remove LD/R, TU, and Vehicle Adapter Assembly
Discard spring pin (4).
per paragraphs 4-59, 4-60 and 4-61.
(5) Remove locking screw cover (6).
(2) Remove gimbal (29) and upper flange (1) per
locking screw (21) completely ccw and
(3) Withdraw leveling screw (12) ccw 0.5 inches to
unlock-locking plate assembly (27).
b. Assembly ( Figure 4-14).
(4) Remove retaining ring (28).
(1) Insert locking screw (21) into lower flange
(9) and screw cw through flange (9).
(5) Remove locking plate assembly (27) by rotating
(2) Seat retainer ring (5) firmly in place against
shoulder on locking screw (21) shaft.
(6) Remove locking handle (17) on locking cap (24)
by removing three screws (26) and washers (25).
(3) Install new spring pin (4) thru retainer ring
(7) Remove locking cap (24).
(5) and locking screw (21) shaft.
(8) Remove pintle per paragraph 4-62a. Withdraw
(4) Install locking screw cover (6).
support ball shaft (23) and support housing (22) thru
lower flange (9).
(5) Install Vehicle Adapter Assembly per paragraph
b. Assembly ( Fiqure 4-14).
(1) Position support housing (22) on ball support
shaft (23).
Disassembly ( Figure 4-14).
(2) Position support housing (22) and support
(1) Remove LD/R, TU, and Vehicle Adapter Assembly,
Attach pintle
ball shaft (23) in lower flange (9).
per paragraph 4-62b.
(2) Rotate two adjusting screws (14) and two
cap (24) on support ball
(3) Position locking
locklng screws (26) fully CCW.
(3) Position three "C" clamps over upper (1) and
(4) Insert locking handle (17) thru the slot in
Adjust clamps as required to
(9) flanges.
lower flange (9).
relieve locking screw spring (7) tension on dowel
Remove four dowel pins (8) by driving in
(5) Attach locking handle (17) to locking cap (29)
toward open center of gimbal (29). Retain dowel pins
with three screws (31) and washers (30).
(4) Remove gimbal (29) and upper flange (l).
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