![]() TM 9-1240-369-34
KEY to fig. 3-1:
(5) Pull applicable switch lens (6 or 7) straight
out from cover assembly (3).
1. Screw-NAS1635-04-6
(6) Unscrew and remove switch boot adapter
2. Washer-AN960C4
(8) with switch spanner wrench (24, table 2-2).
3:. Cover assembly-11737915
(7) Remove switch S1 or S2 (10 or 11) and
4. Cover seal-11738857
sealing washer (12) from cover assembly (3).
5. Switch lens seaI-1173799-2
(8) Lubricate sealing washer ( 12) by applying
6. Switch lens-11741549-2
a thin, uniform film of grease MIL-G-4343.
7. Switch lens-11741549-1
(9) Install new switch S1 or S2 (10 or 11) an.
8. Switch boot adapter-11737539
sealing washer (12) to cover assembly (31.
9. Lamp-11738097
(10) Install switch boot adapter (8) with switch
10. RESET switch S1-11737454
spanner wrench (24, table 2-2). Seal adapter with
11. RANGE switch S2-11737454
sealant MIL-S-22473.
12. Sealing washer-NAS1598D8Y
(11) Push applicable switch lens (6 or 7) back
13. Knob-MS91528-OC1B
onto plunger of switch S1 or S2.
14. Boot- M5423/09-03
(12) Install switch lens seal (5) with boot
15. RTCL ILLUM potentiometer-11737448
removal tool (21, table 2-2).
16.. Housing-11738855
(14) Solder four color-coded wires to the
17. Screw-11737922
terminals on RANGE switch S2 (11).
18. Washer-NAS620C10L
(15) Install cover seal and cover assembly as
19. Shipping cover-11737928
20. Gasket-11737356
e. Replacement of RTCL ILLUM Potentiometer.
b. Replacement of Switch Lens Seal (see fig. 3-1).
(1) Remove cover assembly and cover seal
(1) Unscrew and remove switch lens seal (5)
with boot removal tool (21, table 2-2) from cover
(2) Loosen two setscrews on the knob (13)
assembly (3).
and remove knob. Unscrew and remove boot (14) from
(2) Install new switch lens seal (5) with boot
shaft of RTCL ILLUM potentiometer (15).
removal tool (21. table 2-2).
(3) Remove RTCL ILLUM potentiometer from
c. Replacement of Lamps (see fig. 3-1). The
R/T control unit housing (16).
following steps are applicable to replacement of lamp in
(4) Note where the three color-coded wires
push button switches S1 and S2.
are connected; then unsolder from RTCL ILLUM
(1) Unscrew and remove applicable switch
potentiometer (15).
lens seal (5) with boot removal tool (21, table 2-2) from
(5) Solder three color-coded wires to new
cover assembly (3).
RTCL ILLUM potentiometer.
(2) Pull applicable switch lens (6 or 7) straight
(6) Install RTCL ILLUM potentiometer to R/T
out from cover assembly.
control unit housing (16). Rotate potentiometer to
(3) Remove lamp (9) from switch lens (6 -or
engage tang in slot provided in housing.
(7) Lubricate boot (14) by applying a thin,
(4) Install new lamp (9).
uniform, film of grease, MIL-G-4343. Apply by hand.
(5) Push applicable switch lens (6 or 7) back
(8) Install boot (14) and knob (13) to RTCL
onto plunger of switch.
ILLUM potentiometer.
(6) Install switch lens seal with boot removal
(9) Install cover seal and cover assembly as
tool (21, table 2-2).
instructed in paragraph 3-3 a. steps (3) and (4).
d. Replacement of Switches S1 and S2 (see fig.3-
f. Removal and Installation of R/T Control Unit
Shipping Cover (see fig. 3-1).
(1) Remove cover assembly and cover seal
(1) Loosen four screws (17) and four washers
(2) Removing shipping cover (19) and retain
(2) Record where the four color-coded wires
gasket (20) with R/T control unit.
are connected, then unsolder from RESET switch S1
(3) Lubricate gasket (20) by applying a thin
uniform, film of grease, MIL-G-4343, to the high point on
(3) Record where the four color-coded wires
the bead of the gasket. Do not apply so much grease
are connected, then unsolder from RANGE switch S2
that it fills the grooves on either side of the bead. Apply
by hand to both sides of the gasket.
(4) Unscrew and remove applicable switch
lens seal (5) with boot removal tool (21, table 2-2) from
cover assembly (3).
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