![]() Code
economically repairable, it is normally dis-
supplied by the Army COMSEC Logistic
posed of at the GS level. When supply con-
R e p a i r Parts, Special Tools, and Test Equip-
siderations dictate, some of these repair
ment which are not procured or stocked, as
parts may be listed for automatic return
such, in the supply system but are to be
to supply for depot level repair as set
manufactured at indicated maintenance
f o r t h in AR 710-50. When so listed, they
w i l l be replaced by supply on an exchange
Assemblies which are not procured or stocked
a s such, but are made up of two or more
Repair parts, special tools, test equipment, and
units. Such component units carry individual
assemblies which are economically repairable
stock numbers and descriptions, are pro-
a t DSU and GSU activities and which nor-
cured and stocked separately and can be
mally are furnished by supply on an ex-
assembled to form the required assembly at
c h a n g e basis. W h e n i t e m s a r e d e t e r m i n e d
indicated maintenance categories.
b y a GSU to be uneconomically repairable,
Parts and assemblies that are not procured
they will be evacuated to a depot for eval-
o r stocked because the failure rate is nor-
uation and analysis before final disposition.
mally below that of the applicable end item
H i g h e r dollar value recoverable repair parts,
o r component. The failure of such parts or
special tools, and test equipment which are
a s s e m b l y should result in retirement of the
s u b j e c t to special handling and are issued
end item from the supply system.
o n an exchange basis. Such items will be
R e p a i r Parts which are procured or stocked.
evacuated to the depot for overhaul or final
The requirement for such items will be filled
disposition. Communications-Electronics and
b y the next higher assembly or component.
Missile Support Items will be repaired/over-
R e p a i r Parts, Special Tools, and Test Equip-
hauled only at depots.
ment which are not stocked and have no
Repair parts, special tools, and tests equipment
f o r e s e e n mortality. The indicated mainten-
specifically selected for salvage by reclama-
ance category requiring such repair parts
t i o n units because of precious metal con-
will attempt to obtain the parts through
tent, critical materials, high dollar value, or
cannibalization or salvage, if not obtainable
r e u s a b l e casings or castings.
through cannibalization or salvage, the item
Note. When no code is indicated in the recov-
m a y be requisitioned with exception data,
e r a b i l i t y column, the part will be considered
f r o m the end item manager, for immediate
b. Federal Stock Number Column. This col-
Major assemblies that are procured with
P E M A funds for initial issue only as ex-
umn indicates the Federal stock number assigned
c h a n g e assemblies at DSU and GSU level.
to the item and will be used for requisitioning
These assemblies will not be stocked above
t h e DS and GS level or returned to depot
c. Description Column. This column indicates
supply level.
Note. Cannibalization or salvage maybe used
the Federal item name and, any additional de-
a s a source of supply for any items source
scription of the item required. The abbreviation
c o d e d above except those coded Xl and air-
"W/E", when used as a part of the nomenclature,
c r a f t support items as restricted by AR 700
indicates the Federal stock number includes all
armament, equipment, accessories, and repair
(2) Maintenance Code, indicates the lowest
parts issued with the item. A part number or
category of maintenance authorized to install
other reference number is followed by the appli-
the listed item. The maintenance level codes are:
cable five-digit Federal supply code for manu-
facturers in parentheses.
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). A 2 character
Organizational Maintenance
alphabetic abbreviation indicating the amount
Direct support maintenance
General support maintenance
or quantity of the item upon which the allow-
Depot maintenance
ances are based, e.g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
(3) Recoverability Code, indicates whether
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. This column
unserviceable items should be returned for re-
indicates the quantity of the item used in the
covery or salvage. Items not coded are expend-
assembly or the portion illustrated. A "V" ap-
able. Recoverability codes are:
pearing in this column in lieu of a quantity
indicates that a definite quantity cannot be in-
dicated (e.g., shims, spacers, etc.).
Applies to repair parts (assemblies and com-
ponents) special tools and test equipment
f. Quantity Furnished With Equipment. This
which are considered economically repair-
column indicates the quantity of an item fur-
able at direct and general support mainten-
nished with the equipment.
ance levels. When the item is no longer
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