![]() the base, base grid surface, and azimuth disk.
directed, due consideration should be given to
Elapsed time: about 3 minutes.
the observance of appropriate safety precautions.
(3) In the absence of a welding or cutting
5-4. Procedures for Destruction of Plotting
torch, place the plotting board on a pile of com-
Board M17
bustible. Pour gasoline or oil over the combusti-
ble and over the plotting board; ignite and take
a. Method No. 1--By Mechanical Means.
cover. A hot fire is required to render the mate-
( 1 ) Remove the plotting board from its
riel useless.
carrying case.
Warning: When igniting gasoline, due
(2) Using an axe, pick mattock, sledge, or
consideration shall be given to the highly flam-
similar implement, destroy the plotting board by
mable and explosive nature of gasoline and its
smashing the base, destroying the base grid sur-
vapor. Carelessness in its use may result in pain-
face, and azimuth disk. Elapsed time: about 2
ful burns.
Elapsed time: about 2 minutes.
b. Method No. 2--By Burning.
(1) Remove the plotting board from the
c. Method No. 3--BY Disposal. Bury the plot-
Carrying case.
ting board in a suitable hole or throw it into a
stream. Elapsed time: about 2 minutes.
(2) Using a welding or cutting torch, burn
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