![]() CHAPTER 5
Section I.
ing case M72, and the technical manual TM
5-1. Processing and Packaging
For instructions for processing and packaging
9122022314, the officer in charge of preparing
plotting board M17, carrying case M72, and TM
shipments will be responsible for plotting board
9122022315, refer to ML-P-116.
M17 being shipped in a serviceable condition,
properly packaged, and packed, including the
5-2. Shipping Instructions
preparation of Army shipping documents.
When shipping the plotting board M17, carry-
Section Il.
5-3. General
Note. These methods are generally applicable only
when the plotting board is to be destroyed in conjunction
a. Destruction of plotting board M17 when
with other equipment.
subject to capture or abandonment in the com-
(4) Disposal which requires burying in the
bat zone will be undertaken by the using arm
g r o u n d , dumping in streams, or marshes, or
only when, in the judgement of the unit com-
scattering so widely as to preclude recovery of
mander concerned, such action is necessary in
essential parts.
accordance with orders or policy established by
c. In general, destruction of essential parts
the army commander.
followed by burning will be sufficient to render
b. The information which follows is for
the material useless. However, selection of the
guidance only. Certain of the procedures out-
particular method of destruction requires imagi-
lined require the use of explosives and incendiary
nation and resourcefulness in the utilization of
grenades which normally may not be authorized
the facilities at hand under the existing condi-
items of issue to the using organization. The issue
tions. Time is usually critical.
of these and related materials and the conditions
d. If destruction to prevent enemy use is re-
under which destruction will be effected are com-
sorted to, the materiel must be so badly damaged
mand decisions in each case, according to the
that it cannot be restored to a usable condition
tactical situation. Of the several means of de-
in the combat zone either by repair or cannibali-
struction, those most generally applicable are
zation. Adequate destruction requires that all
indicated in (1) through (4) below.
parts essential to the operation of the materiel,
(1) Mechanical which requires an axe, pick
including essential spare parts, be, destroyed or
mattock, sledge, crowbar, or similar implement.
damaged beyond repair. However, when lack of
time and personnel prevent destruction of all
(2) Burning which requires gasoline, oil,
incendiary grenades, and other flammables, or a
parts, priority is given to the destruction of
those parts most difficult to replace. Equally, im-
welding or cutting torch.
portant, the same essential parts must be de-
(3) Demolition which requires suitable ex-
stroyed on all like materiel, so that the enemy
plosives or ammunition and gunfire, utilizing
cannot construct one complete unit from several
artillery, machine guns, rifles with rifle grenades,
damaged ones.
or launchers with antitank rockets. Under some
circumstances, hand grenades may be used.
e. If destruction by demolition or gunfire is
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