![]() plotting board M17 and carrying case M72 be
water when this is considered necessary. Allow
systematically inspected at intervals each day
the case to dry thoroughly before using it to
it is operated, so that defects may be discovered
store the plotting board.
and corrected before they result in serious dam-
c. General Precaution in Cleaning.
age or failure. Certain scheduled maintenance
(1) Dry-cleaning solvents, referenced in
services (table 31) shall be performed at these
TM 9247, are flammable and shall be kept away
designated intervals. Any defects or unsatisfac-
from heat and open flame. Fire extinguishers
tory operating characteristics of plotting board
should be provided or immediately available
M17 and carrying case M72, that cannot be re-
when these materials are used. Use only in well-
medied or repaired by the organizational main-
ventilated places.
tenance personnel shall be sufficient cause for
(2) The use of diesel fuel oil, gasoline,
benzene (benzol), carbon tetrachloride, alcohol,
b. Services. Preventive-maintenance
and/or acetone, and all other unapproved clean-
listed in table 31 will apply primarily to the
ing compounds or liquids, is prohibited.
operator. However, those services will also apply
to organizational, field, and depot personnel who
37. Preventive-Maintenance Services
may have occasion to use, stow, store, package,
or ship plotting board M17 and carrying case
a. Purpose. To insure efficient fulfillment of
t h e i r designed purpose, it is necessary that
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