![]() CHAPTER 3
Section I.
worn, broken or otherwise unserviceable. These
3-1. General
repair parts are listed in appendix C which is the
Repair parts, tools, and equipment are issued if
authority for requisitioning replacements.
necessary to the using organization for operating
and maintaining plotting board M17. Tools and
3-3. Common Tools and Equipment
equipment should not be used for purposes other
No standard or commonly used tools and equip-
than prescribed and, when not in use, should be
ment are required or authorized.
properly stored.
3-4. Special Tools and Equipment
3-2. Repair Parts
Repair parts are supplied to the using organi-
No special tools and equipment are required
zation for replacement of those parts that become
for the plotting board M17.
Section II.
frayed, dented, torn or cut; and not mildewed or
3-5. General
a. Responsibility and Intervals. The primary
(2) By "excessively worn" is meant worn
function of preventive maintenance is to prevent
beyond serviceable limits or to a point likely to
the materiel from becoming unserviceable and,
result in failure if the item is not replaced be-
therefore, requiring repair or replacement. The
fore the next scheduled inspection.
preventive-maintenance services are the respon-
sibility of the using organization. These services
3-6. Cleaning
generally consist of before-operation, during-
operation, and after-operation services performed
a. General. General cleaning instructions are
by the operator and the scheduled services to be
outlined in b and c below.
performed at designated intervals by the organ-
b. Metal and Plastic Parts.
izational, field, and depot mechanic when neces-
sary. Intervals are based on normal operations
(1) When the plastic disk or plastic base
or severe conditions. Intervals during inactive
surfaces become dirty, they may be wiped with
periods may be extended accordingly.
lens tissue paper, or with a clean cloth, mois-
tened with lens-cleaning liquid soap. When clean,
b. Definition of Terms. The general inspection
dry carefully by gently rubbing with lens tissue
of plotting board M17 and carrying case M72
or clean cloth.
is generally a check to see whether the items
are in good condition and not excessively dam-
(2) Do not clean the plastic disk or base
aged or worn.
with dry-cleaning solvent, alcohol, acetone, or
other solvents.
(1) The inspection for "good condition" is
(3) Clean the metal snap fastener on carry-
usually an external visual inspection to deter-
ing case M72 with dry-cleaning solvent. Wipe
mine whether the unit is damaged beyond serv-
dry and apply a light film of light grade aircraft
iceable limits. The term "good condition" is de-
instrument lubricating oil or grease.
fined as being not bent, warped, or twisted; not
chafed or burred; not broken or cracked; not
(4) Clean carrying case M72 with soap and
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