![]() a. Keep the plotting board and carrying case
(3) Place the plotting board on a flat stable
as clean and dry as possible. If the board and/or
surface and proceed to operate it.
case is wet, wipe dry, spread case open, and
b. Inspection.
allow to air-dry thoroughly. Do not place or allow
the plotting board to dry in the direct rays of
(1) General. Whenever inaccuracies, malad-
hot sun, on heated radiators, or on other types
justments, or other conditions affecting service-
of heated equipment where damage to the plot-
ability are disclosed by the inspection prescribed
ting board base and/or azimuth disk may occur.
in table 2-1, remedial action should be taken if
the maintenance required is within the scope of
b. When not in use, keep the plotting board
the operating personnel. If the maintenance re-
within the carrying case so that it is protected
quired is beyond the scope of the operating per-
from dirt, dust, moisture, chipping, scratching,
sonnel, the condition should be referred to the
and destruction.
organizational maintenance personnel for dis-
c. Do not place the plotting board on its edge
position in accordance with the maintenance al-
or store other equipment on the board. These ac-
location chart (app B).
tions will bend, break, and/or chip and destroy
the board.
(2) Procedure. Visually examine the plot-
ting board and carrying case for completeness
2-6. Preparation for Use
and general appearance. There shall be no rust
a. Setting Up.
and/or corrosion on any metal part. The plastic
(1) Remove carrying case M72 with in-
s u r f a c e s of the plotting board shall not be
stalled plotting board from stowed position.
cracked, chipped, warped, excessively scratched,
pitted, or opaqued so that viewing of the grid
(2) Open the snap fastener securing the
cover flap of the carrying case in closed position,
pattern, scales, and graduations is hindered. In
addition, inspect the plotting board and carrying
open the flap, and remove the plotting board from
the case.
case as outlined in table 2-1.
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