![]() b. Limits of Operation.
(1) To determine initial direction and range,
the arrow at the end of the index line will be
Azimuth -------------------------------- 0 to 6400 mils
pointing away from the operator. The index line
Range -------------------------------- No limit
will be vertical.
(2) To determine angles of sight, the arrow
1-6. Equipment Issued with Plotting Board
at the end of the index line will be pointing
toward the right. The index line will be hori-
Canvas carrying case M72 (fig. 11) is the
only piece of equipment issued with plotting
board M17. The case consists of a two-piece as-
1 - 5 . Tabulated Data
sembly into which the plotting board fits, and
a. Weight and Dimensions.
has a flap or cover which is an integral part of
the back piece. This bends over the case and is
Weight -------------------------------- 0.75 pounds
fastened to the front with a snap fastener. The
Diameter ------------------------------------- 8 inches
back of the case has a loop for carrying on a belt.
Thickness ---------------------------------- 3/32 inch
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