![]() TM 55-1520-238-S
This appendix provides the procedures necessary to prepare a helicopter (including removed components which are
packed separately) for quarantine inspection, and procedures for deprocessing such material upon arrival at destina-
tion. This appendix is not a directive; it was derived from existing regulations and is presented in convenient form.
AR 40-12 and TM 5-632 will be checked for changes affecting these procedures.
In the event that these instructions are at variance with command regulations regarding shipment of retrograde cargo,
the command entomologist will be consulted.
Technical assistance and advice regarding the following instructions will be obtained from the command entomologist.
a. All equipment and containers will be completely free of soil when loaded on aircraft or ships.
b. All containers will be cleared of all grain, food, and soil before being loaded with retrograde cargo or
returned empty to the continental United States.
c. Wooden containers and packing materials will be inspected for termites, wood bores, and other insect
infestations, before being packed in larger containers or loaded on aircraft or ships. Under no circumstances will
infested wood or packing material be used.
d. All containers and packing material will be inspected immediately prior to packing to ensure the absence
of rodents, snakes,and other animals or insects.
e. Only authorized packing material will be used. In no instance will native grasses or fibers be used. All
packing material will be stored to prevent infestation by insects and rodents. Personnel handling insecticides or
rodenticides must be properly qualified and instructed. They will wear protective clothing, gloves, and respirators as
recommended by the post surgeon or safety officer.
f. 2-inch insecticide strip (D6) will be attached to the interior of each closed container larger than 10 cubic
feet. Under 6 linear inches of insecticide strip per 300 cubic feet of container. In crates or boxes with small vent holes,
and helicopter interiors which cannot be completely sealed, 8 to 10 inches of strip will be used per 300 cubic feet.
Insecticide strips will not be used in open containers.
g. 2-inch insecticide strip (D6) will be positioned within retrograde helicopters which are sealed while being
processed for return to the United States. Twelve insecticide strips will be hung at different locations in the helicopter
interior, including the tailboom.
h. One bait block (D10) will be placed in each crew station of each helicopter, near the crew station door.
The red tape attached to the bait block will be led to the outside of the helicopter. The tape must be clearly visible after
the door is sealed.
Collection and disposal of insecticides and rodenticides will be accomplished during helicopter depreservation, as
follows (refer to WARNING, para F2):
A red tape extending from a helicopter exterior, indicates the presence of rodenticide
bait blocks.
a. When opening a container or helicopter, use a vacuum cleaner to collect loose insecticide and rodenticide
dust and residue from individual items and packages as they are removed.
b. After removal of all packages and loose items, thoroughly vacuum helicopter and container interiors.
c. Remove all insecticide strips and rodenticide bait blocks.
d. Store all strips and bait blocks, dust and residue in closed containers for collection and proper disposal
by the post engineer.
e. Immediately notify the post engineer and the post surgeon or health officer if living or dead insects,
rodents, or other animals are found during depreservation.
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