TM 55-1520-238-S
c. Bleed Air from Hydraulic Hoses.
(1) Connect left landing gear 40 foot kneel-
ing hose (fig. 82) to hydraulic cart.
(2) Remove quick disconnect from shutoff
To prevent injury and equipment
valve end of 40 foot kneeling hose.
damage from strut collapse and he-
(3) Hold shutoff valve end of 40 foot hose
licopter rollover, personnel will be
in hydraulic cart reservoir.
thoroughly familiar with procedures
contained in this chapter prior to
(4) Press START button on pendant as-
conduction kneeling or erecting op-
(5) Press and hold LEFT LANDING GEAR
To prevent injury and equipment
switch, on pendant assembly, in the UP
damage from strut collapse and he-
position until airfree hydraulic fluid
licopter rollover, personnel will re-
flows from hose.
main clear of helicopter during
(6) Release LEFT LANDING GEAR switch
kneeling or erecting operations.
and press STOP button on pendant as-
To prevent injury from possible heli-
copter rollover, keep struts as close
(7) Replace quick disconnect on shutoff
to the same length as possible dur-
valve end of hose.
ing kneeling and erecting opera-
(8) Repeat steps (1) thru (7) for right land-
ing gear 40 foot kneeling hose.
d. Connect 40 Foot Kneeling Hoses to
Shutoff Valve/Hoses Connected to Heli-
To prevent damage to equipment
from excessive stress on helicopter
(1) Place hydraulic cart in front of helicop-
landing gear and cargo aircraft
ter with hydraulic cart and cart operator
winch, do not apply helicopter
facing helicopter.
brakes during kneeling or erecting
The cart operator stands in front of and
To prevent damage to equipment,
facing the helicopter. Connecting the left
maintain adequate overhead and
hose to the right strut and the right hose to
underbelly clearance during kneel-
the left strut will avoid confusion during
ing and erecting operations.
kneeling and erecting operations. The
a. Connect Hydraulic Cart.
LEFT switch on the control pendant will
(1) Insure there are approximately two gal-
operate the landing gear on the operators
lons of hydraulic fluid in the hydraulic
left. The RIGHT switch on the control pen-
cart reservoir. If reservoir is empty,
dant will operate the landing gear on the
bleed pump assembly after servicing
operators right.
(2) Connect left hand 40 foot kneeling
(2) Connect hydraulic cart to electrical
hose to right hand landing gear strut
ground and power source (para 84c).
shutoff valve/hose.
(3) Connect control pendant to control box
(3) Connect right hand 40 foot kneeling
hose to left hand landing gear strut
shutoff valve/hose.
Change 1
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