![]() TM 5-6675-250-34
the high-speed gear is energized through 2A2S1D-5.
The servo motor control circuit is activated through
switch 2A2S3 positioned t o THEO ILLUM,
a derived signal from transformer 2A2T1 and
unregulated B+ voltage is applied to THEO BRT
energized relay 2A1K1. With the servo motor
rheostat 2A2R1 through 2A2S3B-2. The voltage is
operating at high speed and rotating the follow-up
tapped from 2A2R1 to receptacle 2A2J3, through
assembly clockwise, a feedback signal from the
the interconnect cable W1 to 1A1P1 on the GRU. A
tachometer in the GRU is applied to the demodulator
wiring harness connects 1A1J1 through 1A1J3 to
through de-energized relay 2A1K2. From the
the theodolite lamp. Voltage to the HAND LAMP
demodulator, the signal is routed to the torquer coil.
switch 2A2S6 and receptacle 2A2J1 is applied
Current through the torquer coil is monitored by the
through 2A2S3C-2.
TEST METER when the PRESS TO TEST switch is
switch 2A2S3 at position 3, SELF TEST, power is
(f) SERVO CCW. With the TEST
applied to all circuits of the system. Activation of
SELECT switch 2A2S1 positioned to SERVO CCW,
the circuits corresponds to the positioning of the
operation is the same as described in the preceding
T E S T SELECT switch 2A2S1. Each circuit
monitored in SELF TEST has its own calibration
paragraph except that voltage is distributed
network to ensure proper meter deflection when the
through 2A2S1A-6 and 2A2S1D-6 causing the di-
rection of rotation to be reversed. The theodolite ro-
equipment is operating correctly. With the exception
of the GYRO and SOURCE VOLTAGE positions,
tates in a counterclockwise direction when looking
satisfactory operation of circuits corresponding to
down on the GRU.
the following switch positions is indicated by the
switch 2A2S1 positioned to BRAKE ON, relay
TEST METER pointer in the green band of the
2A2K1 is energized through 2A2S1D-7. Through
meter scale.
relay 2A2K1, dc current is applied to the high side of
the gyro motor. Pressing the PRESS TO TEST
SELECT switch 2A2S1 positioned to SOURCE
switch connects the TEST METER to the circuit
VOLTAGE, B+ voltage is applied to the PRESS
current limiting resistor to indicate the state of the
TO TEST switch 2A2S2 through 2A2S1C-1.
Pressing the PRESS TO TEST switch routes the
(h) GYRO. With the TEST SELECT switch
signal to the TEST METER. The voltage is read out
2A2S1 positioned to GYRO, the circuit is monitored
on the voltage scale of the TEST METER.
through the output of the sync sensor. Through
(b) REG AC. With the TEST SELECT swith
2A2S1B-8 and 2A2S1C-8, a circuit to the TEST
2A2S1 positioned to REG AC, regulated 26 Vac
METER is completed when the PRESS TO TEST
from the ac supply is applied to the PRESS TO
switch is pressed. Satisfactory operation of the
TEST switch 2A2S2 through 2A2S1C-2. Pressing
circuit and gyro motor is indicated when the TEST
the PRESS TO TEST switch routes the signal to the
METER needle moves to the green area while the
MODE SELECT switch is in GC and the SYNC
(c) REG DC. With the TEST SELECT
indicator is illuminated.
switch 2A2S1 positioned to REG DC, regulated 5, 9,
and 18 Vdc is applied through a summing junction
(3) BIAS. With the MODE SELECT switch
2A2S3 at position 3, BIAS, rotation of the BIAS con-
and 2A2S1C-3 to the PRESS TO TEST switch.
Pressing the PRESS TO TEST switch routes the
trol knob provides control of biasing through poten-
signal to the TEST METER.
tiometer 2A2R4. The biasing operation is performed
with the pendulum in the GRU uncaged. Feedback
(d) BIAS. In the BIAS mode 2A2S1 in pos-
signals from the GRU reflect error torques which
ition 4, relays 2A1K1 and 2A1K2 are energized. A
are balanced by the adjustment of potentiometer
simulated signal derived from transformer 2A2T1
2A2R4. Relay 2A1K2 is energized during biasing
through 2A1P6-E to 2A2S1A4 and back through
2A1P6-MM and the closed contacts of 2A1K1A to
operation to permit electronic damping of the pen-
dulum. Centering the meter pointer in the center of
amplifier 2A1A1. The output of 2A1A1 is then
routed via the closed contacts of 2A1K2A through
the scale is necessary to obtain a high degree of ac-
the demodulator. The output of the demodulator
curacy in the subsequent gyro-compassing opeation.
then routed to the GRU torquercoil via 2A1P5-E,
Following the biasing operation, it is necessary to
W1 and 1A1Ja. Current drawn from the torquer coil
cage the pendulum to permit the MODE SELECT
is monitored to provide an indication of the circuit
switch to be moved to the next position.
condition on the TEST METER.
switch 2A2S1 positioned in the SERVO CW mode,
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