![]() TM 5-6640-213-14
Section II.
a. Calibration requirements for test equipment requiring A-level
calibration in this laboratory can be identified by reference to TB
750-236 under the following appropriate TB's.
(1) Weight set class 5 (5mg to 50gm)
TB 9-6670-254-50
(2) Pressure gage (0-5 lb).
TB 9-6685-319-50
(3) Thermometer (ASTM certified)
TB 9-6685-314-50
(4) Hydrometer
TB 9-6630-201-50
(5) Multimeter
TB 9-6625-961-50
b. The calibration procedures and requirements given in this
section are identified for the aviation fuel surveillance laboratory
as C-level requirements and will be performed by qualified laboratory
personnel assigned to this laboratory.
The analytical balance provided is a single arm instrument. It
has weighing capacity of 100 grams. When provided with the manual
taring accessories, the weighing capacity is increased to 150 gm.
The precision (standard deviation) of the balance is + or - 0.05
milligrams (mg), digital redability is 0.1 mg, and accuracy in the
optical range is + or - 0.05 mge ASTM E-319 procedures are recom-
mended for evaluating performance and verifying the accuracy of the
balance. These procedures determine the precision with which balance
can compare known weight loads; i.e., the built-in weights of the bal-
ance and a known weight load. Section 5, ASTM E-319 outlines proce-
dures for preparation of the balance for evaluation, and section 8
outlines procedures for evaluating balance accuracy. Ap precision
weight set (class S) must be used to evaluate balance performance.
The verification evaluation of the balances are performed by operating
ersonnel. The double beam balance may be evaluated using the above
procedures. The standard deviation of the double balance is + or -
0.1 gm.
The RVP gages msut be verified for accuracy after each test when
vapor pressure of motor gasolines is being determined. When deter-
mining the vapor pressure of aviation fuels (aviation gasoline and
turbine engine fuel) the gage must be verified for accuracy before
and after each test by operating personnel. The accuracy of RVP
gages is verified by using the manometer. When the gage reading and
the manometer reading differ by 1 percent or less, the gage is
considered accurate; i.e., the gage correction factor must not be
greater than 0.05 psi for O to 15 pound gages or 0.15 psi for O to 15
pound gages. If the readings differ by more than 1 percent the gage
is considered inaccurate and must be repaired or replaced.
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