![]() TM 5-6640-213-14
Laboratory and Equipment.
(1) Inspect the exterior of the laboratory thoroughly for
visible damage sustained in transit, and repair any damage in accor-
dance with TB 750-240 and TM 11-541O-213-14P.
(2) Level the laboratory to the site using the four
special "oil-bubble-in-glass-vial", load-leveling indicators (2, fig.
(3) Unlock the laboratory door. The keys to the unit are
preshipped to the user to prevent pilferage during shipment; however,
an extra key is provided (1, fig. 2-1).
The purpose of the exhaust fan is to remove combus-
tible or toxic gases from the laboratory. Insure
access door is open before conducting any procedures
in which the laboratory hood must be used. Failure
to open to the access door can defeat the system and
may result in injury or death to operating personnel.
(4) Enter the laboratory and remove the stored, 50-ft,
four-conductor power cable. Connect the cable lugs to the generator
terminal box with extreme care. Connect the male cable plug to the
female connector housed in the junction box on the exterior of the
laboratory, to the right of the door (19, fig. 1-3).
(5) Open and secure the access doors of the exhaust fan
outlet and the air conditioner exhaust louvers (6, fig. 1-1). After
opening the doors, examine the openings to be sure they are
(6) Activate the electrical power and water supply
(7) Enter the laboratory and turn on the main power switch
(4, fig. 2-2). Immediately return to the outdoors and allow the
system to operate for 10 minutes to exhaust all noxious or dangerous
vapor. (See para 2-2g.(1)(a) on air-purging).
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