![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
Figure 1-23. ICIDS Data Communications Interface-General Block Diagram
another intelligent line concentrator multiplexer, 256 RADCs can be connected simultaneously to the PMC and RSMs.
The DCX polls the RADCs through a communications subsystem consisting of Intelligent Multiplexed Line Concentrators.
This method broadcasts polls to eight lines at a time and selects only the one of eight that was addressed for receiving
the answer. Far less noise will result from this method of line selection. Failure of one line concentrator multiplexer will
only affect the 8 RADCs on that concentrator so that a system wide failure cannot occur.
c. Line Concentrator. A more detailed diagram of the line concentrator area is shown in Figure 1-24, ICIDS Line
Concentrator Block Diagram. Three different line options are indicated on this diagram, Bell 3002 two wire circuits, RS-
485 two wire circuits, and dual loop fiber optic circuits. These circuits can be mixed as long as a group of eight are all the
same type. The concentrator handles thirty-two groups of eight lines each, for a total of 256 lines. Also a DES module
can be added to any group of 8 lines by a simple plug in arrangement. When the DES module is not required, shorting
links are used to bypass it.
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