![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
1-22. PRIORITY ORDERING OF ALARM QUEUES. The order in which alarms are maintained within each queue is
determined by: first, whether or not they have been deferred; second, whether they have been acknowledged; third, their
assigned priority levels; and, finally, their age. Undeferred alarms are given precedence over deferred alarms.
Unacknowledged alarms have a higher priority than acknowledged alarms. Alarms with the highest priority levels are
given precedence over those with lower levels. If two alarms share the same priority, precedence is given to either the
oldest or most recent alarm, as defined during the creation of the database.
1-23. AUDIO ASSESSMENT. When a sensor detects an intruder, the system will automatically open a channel to the
nearest microphone, turn on a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera and display it on a monitor, and generate an
alarm. In addition, the incident will be automatically recorded on the Video Cassette Recorder (VCR). No operator
intervention is required.
If someone at a remote location wants to speak to the operator, he or she can pick up a handset (if available) and an
alarm is generated at the operator workstation, informing the operator of a communications request.
and a typical RADC area. The CPU is connected to the operator workstation by a Local Area Network
(LAN) cable. The system is expandable to 22 workstations. The information used to address each
RADC is entered at the operator workstation and down loaded into memory. With the data
communication auto/manual switch as shown, the PMC is in control of all RADCs through the poll ports,
and the Intelligent Line Multiplexed Concentrator. The communications between the CPU and the PMC
communications module is at 9600 baud, while the communications subsystems polls the RADCs at
1200 baud. The RSMs are tied to the system through the anti-poll ports. In this configuration, if the
PMC fails, the RSMs will automatically assume the responsibility for the RADCs being handled by the
CPU. Each RSM can handle up to 256 RADCs.
The PMC also provides a tie-in to the ECE enrollment terminal which enables the operator to verify
enrollment of personnel via the IAC. A local RADC at the PMC will support entry/exit to the PMC and
any local intrusion detection devices. Also located at the PMC is the audio assessment/intercom and
CCTV switching units, and their associated monitors. The Audio Communication Switcher allows for
switching between audio listening devices and the intercom phone. The Video Switcher allows for
switching between an array of TV cameras to any of its associated monitors. switching between the
CCTV cameras, VCR, and its associated monitor.
b. Data Communications Interface. The ICIDS Data Communication Interface, shows the PMC to
RSM link in addition to the PMC end of the direct data link to the RADCs (see Figure 1-23). One of two
Data Communications Expanders (DCX) is shown with the poll (P) and auto/manual switch to the RSMs.
Each DCX contains its own communications processor and memory which, in turn, communicates with
the CPU, which relieves the CPU of this communication burden.
The communication processor in the PMC DCX polls the RADCs for data and stores it in its local
memory. This memory, in turn, is polled by RSM 1 for this data and updates its own DCX memory
which, in turn, is polled by RSM 2 for the same data. With this configuration, both RSM 1 and 2 contain
the status of the RADCs and can be monitored at any time for status. Up to 8 RSMs can be tied together
in this manner. Through this same communication channel, the RSMs can be assigned to take over
control of their areas at any time. The PMC will still be updated via its DCX. If the PMC should fail, the
auto/manual switch will switch, so the PMC is bypassed, and allows the RSMs take over the direct data
link to the RADCs. This same type of switching function can take place at RSM 1, allowing RSM 2 to
also take over for RSM 1. This configuration of the PMC and RSMs assures that no single point of
failure will cause a system-wide failure. By the use of the second DCX at the PMC and RSMs and
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