![]() TM 5-6350-275-10
Timed Archived Data
Point data transferred to disk at defined time intervals. In the case of an analog point,
the data is in the form of minimum, average and/or maximum values which are
calculated from a list of sample readings (see Sample Rate) recorded since the point
was last timed archived. In the case of a status or pulse accumulation point, the current
state and/or value of the point is recorded on disk.
Top of Queue
The oldest, highest priority alarm in an alarm queue is said to occupy the top of queue
Transmission Mode
Indicates the means by which data is transmitted within the system.
Trend Display
A display showing the timed archive values and/or states of up to six points on a line
graph, as a histogram, or simply as a list of readings.
Video Display Specifier
A record defining how data is to be displayed on the operator's screen.
Video Display Template
A record defining how summary and alarm queue data Record is to be displayed on the
operator's screen.
Video Input
In the CCTV subsystem, any device which sends a video display to the system (for
example, a camera).
Video Output
In the CCTV subsystem, any device to receive a video display from the system (for
example, a monitor).
Video Switching Control
An item of hardware attached to the CCTV Unit subsystem. It receives video displays
from cameras and determines the output (monitor displays, tapes, etc.) to which each
should be routed. It is connected to the PMC, through which it receives operator
The BTOS term applied to a hard or floppy disk.
Video Tape Recorder. May be connected to the CCTV subsystem, to record views from
specified cameras at the operator's command or whenever a specified alarm arises.
A means of classifying points by location.
Zone Alarm Inhibit
A pseudo process used to disable a zone's alarms when the state of a given point
changes. Usually, this process is used to suppress the generation of certain automatic
alarms when an authorized person enters the zone legally.
Zone Alarm Point
A pseudo point associated with a zone, used to display the zone's current condition.
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