![]() TM 5-6350-275-10
The commercial name for an intelligent, programmable printed wiring assembly used to
interface the Primary Monitor Console with remote devices.
Station Failure
The condition in which the PMC is unable to communicate successfully with a RADC
over the available bearer(s), after a defined number of attempts.
Station Summary
A display containing a list of RADCs and details of their operational condition.
Status Frame
The top line of the display in the operator environment, which contains the operator's
identity, the workstation's operating mode, and the time and date.
Status Point
A point whose condition is represented as a state (for example, on/off, open/closed, etc.)
rather than as a quantity. There are two types of status point: binary and ternary.
A view from a specified camera, held for a specified period, forming one stage of a
monitor Sequence. Sequences may consist of up to 64 steps. An "auto-hold" step is
one held by the system until an operator indicates that the sequence is to proceed.
The third part of a point mnemonic, consisting of up to four alphanumeric characters.
To insert an access card into a reader unit, passing it against the reader head, so that it
may be scanned by the card reader.
System Administrator
A person responsible for the administration of the entire system.
System Code
A 6 digit number assigned to some access card types when they are manufactured. It
ensures that only cards which have been made for your system are acceptable to it.
System Database
The structured grouping of data which holds details of groups, stations, points, and other
significant system records.
The recording of readings from instruments, undertaken from a distance.
Telemetry Alarms
Alarms associated with cable failures.
Temporary Access Level
An access level used to make temporary amendments to the access rights of a card
Ternary Point
A class of status point which can have three valid states (for example
open/moving/closed). Ternary points consist of a pair of status points whose states are
combined. The four possible combined states of these points are: (1) Off; Off indicating
that the ternary point is Off; (2) On, Off indicating that the ternary point is On, (3) Off, On
indicating that the point is in its third state (for example moving) and (4) On, On which is
an invalid state and indicates the presence of a fault.
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