![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-8
NAVELEX EE181-AA-OMI-090/E121 SA-1954
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-8
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
3. (cont)
c. (cont)
b. If these indications are not correct,
replace the PC board.
(1) To remove PC board, remove screws
that secure the PC board to the
relay bracket. Tag the wires,
and use a soldering iron of 50
watts maximum to remove them
from the PC board terminals.
(2) To replace PC board, use a solder-
ing iron of 50 watts maximum
to solder wires to PC board ter-
minals. Secure PC board to relay
bracket with screws.
d. Bad duress alarm
a. Disconnect wire from TB1-7. Set multi-
switch (S1).
meter to ohms, and check between
PC board pin 5 (blue wire) and reset
switch (S2, orange wire).
b. Operate duress alarm switch (S1). Meter
should indicate 0 ohms. Release S1.
Meter should indicate infinity.
c. If these indications are incorrect, re-
place S1.
(1) To remove Si, tag the wires; and
using a soldering iron of 50 watts
maximum, unsolder and remove
the wires from the pins on the
PC board. Disconnect red wire
from TB1-2.
(2) To replace S1, connect wires to
pins on the PC board, using a
soldering iron of 50 watts max-
imum. Install a crimp lug on
red wire and connect it to TB1-2.
e. Bad reset switch
a. Disconnect wire from TB1-7. Set multi-
meter to ohms and check between S2
(red wire) and S2 (orange wire). With
S2 depressed, meter should indicate
infinity. With S2 released, meter
should indicate 0 ohms.
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