![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-8
NAVELEX EE181-AA-OMI-090/E121 SA-1954
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-8
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
2. (cont)
a. (cont)
(2) To replace S1, connect wires to pins
on the PC board, using a soldering
iron of 50 watts maximum. In-
stall a crimp lug on red wire and
connect to TB1-2.
b. Bad tamper alarm
a. Inspect the cover to ensure that it is flat,
straight, and completely closed. Open
the cover and ensure that there is no
debris between cover and chassis. Set
multimeter to ohms and connect leads
to TB1-5 and TB1-6. Meter should
indicate infinity. Depress the tamper
alarm switch (TAS). The meter indi-
cation should change to 0 ohms.
b. If these indications are not correct,
replace the TAS.
(1) To remove TAS, disconnect
switch wires from TB1-5 and TB1-6.
Remove screws that secure switch
mounting bracket to component
mounting plate, and remove mount-
ing bracket. Remove nut and lock
washer from switch. Remove switch
from mounting bracket. Use a
soldering iron of 50 watts maximum
to remove wires from switch.
To replace TAS, set meter to ohms
and check switch terminals. Meter
should indicate 0 ohms with switch
depressed and infinity with switch
released. Use a soldering iron of 50
watts maximum to solder wires to
switch terminals. Insert switch
through hole in mounting bracket.
Put lock washer and nut on switch
and tighten nut to secure switch. Use
screws to secure switch mounting
bracket and ground lug to component
mounting plate. Connect switch wires
to TB1-5 and TB1-6.
c. Loose interconnect-
Ensure that all wire and conduit connections
ing wiring.
are clean and tight.
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