![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-8
NAVELEX EE181-AA-OMI-090/E121 SA-1954
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-8
5-4. MAINTENANCE ACTION. The extent of direct and
emitting diode, and PC board. On-site inspection and
general support maintenance is governed by the
replacement are provided for the cover and cover
Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC), Appendix B. The
gasket. Periodic testing of the Latching Alarm Switch is
MAC provides for on-site test and replacement of the
not scheduled because the J-SIIDS is maintained in
switch assemblies, light-
continuos operation.
Remove gasket from cover. Scrape off any bits of
a. To remove LED, tag and carefully unsolder wires
gasket that adhere to cover.
from PC board. Use a soldering iron of 50 watts
h. To install a new gasket, orient it so the holes in the
gasket are aligned with the holes in the cover. Apply
b. To replace LED, turn flat spot on side of LED toward
adhesive and press the gasket into place. Orient the
2 on PC board. Carefully solder wires to PC board,
cover so that the guard at one end of cover is over
using soldering iron of 50 watts maximum.
the duress alarm switch and the screw holes in the
cover are aligned with the screw holes in the
Remove the PC board and relay. Remove screws
chassis. Insert the screws and tighten them to
that secure the PC board to the relay bracket. Tag
secure cover.
the wires, and use a soldering iron of 50 watts
maximum to remove them from the PC board
After replacement of major components or
assemblies during troubleshooting, test the LAS for
proper operation. Ensure that the key-operated
d. To install new PC board, use soldering iron of 50
switch on the Control Unit is in the access position.
watts maximum and solder wires to the terminals;
Remove the chassis cover, and disconnect wire
secure relay bracket to the PC board.
from TB1-2. Set multimeter to ohms and connect
leads to TB1-1 and TB1-2. Meter should indicate
e. To remove cover, remove screws that secure it to
2000 ohms or less. Operate duress alarm switch
chassis, and lift it off the chassis.
(S1). Meter indication should change to over
100,000 ohms, and the alarm indicator light should
To install new cover, orient it so that the guard at
come on. Depress the reset switch (S2). The meter
one end is over the duress alarm switch and the
indication should change to less than 2000 ohms,
screw holes in the cover are aligned with the screw
and the indicator light should go out. Connect meter
holes in the chassis. Insert the screws and tighten
leads to TB1-5 and TB1-6, and depress TAS (S3).
them to secure cover.
Meter should indicate less than 2000 ohms. Slowly
release TAS plunger. When the switch plunger
g. To remove gasket, remove screws that secure
moves inch (0.635 cm) or less, the meter
cover to chassis, and lift cover off chassis.
indication should change to over 100,000 ohms.
Disconnect the meter leads from TB1-5 and TB1-6,
connect the wire to TB1-2, and install the cover.
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