TM 5-6350-262-14/9
NAVELEX 0967-466-9090
TO 31S9-4-32-1
second. Turn the oscilloscope on.
7-15. General
(6) Turn alarm (I) and alarm (L)
This section contains performance standard test
switches SW1 and SW2 of the test set to the off
procedures for use by direct support maintenance
personnel to determine that the performance of the
(7) Turn power supply on.
repaired alarm and status modules are satisfactory for
(8) Conduct performance standards as
installation. These procedures are based on the use of
described in table 7-1.
a field-manufactured test fixture (fig. 74) and the test
equipment listed in paragraph 7-16.
Test Preparation (Status Module only).
See figures 7-4 and 7-5.
Performance Standards.
(1) Turn on one of the dc power
supplies and set it for + 20 V dc output. Turn the power
Test Equipment.
supply off and connect it to the + 20 V dc input jacks of
the test set (J15 and J16) (fig. 74).
Instrument . ..................... Yodel/manufacturer
Test Fixture .................... Field Manufacture (fig. 74)
(2) Remove the right hand cover (2, fig.
DC Power Supply............. Preston Seientifidc-MOD101 (2) or
(3) Connect J1 of the test set to P1 of
Multimeter ....................... Simpson 260 (2) or equivalent
the status module.
Oscilloscope .................... Tektronix 422 or equivalent
(4) Set the Simpson/260 meter to the
500 ma scale and connect it to the test jacks on the test
Test Preparation (Alarm Module only).
set (J9 and J10).
See figure 74 and 7-5.
(5) Connect a ground lead from the
(1) Turn on the dc power supply and set
oscilloscope to one of the grounded jacks provided on
it for +20 V dc output. Turn the power supply off and
the test set. Attach a X10 probe to input 1 of the
connect it to the + 20 V dc input jacks of the test set
oscilloscope. Set the oscilloscope to Channel 1 on the
(J15 and J16) (fig. 7-4).
vertical selector switch. Set the triggering controls to
(2) Remove the right hand cover (2, fig.
Channel 1, ac, positive slope, and automatic. Set the
Channel attenuator to 0.2 volts/division and the time
(3) Connect J1 of the test set to P1 of
base to 0.5 second. Turn the oscilloscope on.
the alarm module.
(6) Turn alarm (I) and alarm (L)
(4) Set the Simpson/260 meter to the
switches, SW1 and SW2 of the test set to the off
100 ma scale and connect it to the test jacks on the test
set (J9 and J10).
(7) Turn the ac power switch SW4 of
(5) Connect a ground lead from the
the test set to on position.
oscilloscope to one of the grounded jacks provided on
(8) Turn the access/secure switch SW3
the test set. Attach a X10 probe to input 1 of the
of the test set to the access position.
oscilloscope. Set the oscilloscope to Channel 1 on the
(9) Turn power supply on.
vertical selector switch. Set the triggering controls to
(10) Conduct the performance standards
Channel 1, ac, positive slope, and automatic. Set the
as described in table 7-2.
Channel attenuator to 0.2 volts/division and the time
base to 0.5
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