TM 5-6350-262-14/9
NAVELEX 0967-466-9090
TO 31S9-4-32-1
1-11. Differences Between Models
There are no known differences between units of the
The status and alarm module housings are fabricated of
.same model.
aluminum with a vinyl finish, the color in accordance
with color number 26492 per FED-STD595. The rear
panels of the units are provided with an Amphenol # 26-
1-12. Tabulated Data
159-16 connector to obtain electrical interface with the
The Status and Alarm Monitor Modules have the same
Monitor Cabinet unit. An Amphenol connector # 26-190-
environmental specifications, which are tabulated below:
16 is located at the rear on the bottom surface of the
Weight ........................ ........... Approximately
case for electrical interface with the R-1861( )/FSS-9(V)
Data Receiver. The front panel contains a number of
Dimensions (overall):
switches and lamp indicators that are properly identified
Height ...................... .......... 7.000 inches.
to allow operators to interpret lamp indications and
Width ....................... .......... 2.750 inches.
determine the alarm system status. Each corner of the
Length ...................... ......... 10.000 inches.
front panel has a hole for mounting screws. See figure
Power Requirement................... 19 to 21 V dc @ 130
ma maximum.
Environmental (operating):
Temperature Range ..........-21 to +150 .
1-10. Differences Between Status and Alarm
Humidity .................... ........ Up to 95% relative.
Environmental (non-operating):
The status module and alarm module differ in function
Temperature Range ........... -30 to +165 .
and front panel appearance only. The alarm module is
Shock ................................ 20 g for 11 ms and
capable of indicating an alarm condition only. indicating
bench handling.
Vibration ............................. Withstand
an alarm condition only. The status module can provide
tation conditions.
indications of which the various modes of operation the
Electromagnetic ................. Per MILSTD462 RS03,
J-SIID system many be in at various times. This unit
Susceptibility....................... CS01, and CS06.
contains eight indicator lamps, paired for redundancy, to
indicate the modes described as secure, access, alarm,
ac power on, ac power fail.
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