![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/5
NAVELEX 0967-LP-466-9052
TO 31S9-4-38-1 Chg 2
wiring board assemblies. Each printed wiring board assembly
connector edge also contains a notch located to correspond to
(5) Turn off 115-volt ac power source to the
an insert in the receptacle connector to prevent mislocating
control unit.
the printed wiring board assemblies. Assemblies Al through
(6) Disconnect the following external JSIIDS
A6 are identical.
They are completely interchangeable
power and interconnecting wiring from the power supply
between position Al through A6. Install printed wiring board
terminal boards:
assemblies Al through All with the ejector mechanism at the
top. Make sure the board edge is inside the receptacle guide.
Push in firmly on each corner of the board simultaneously to
seat the assembly completely and evenly.
Insulate wire terminals removed from
7-11. Status Processor Chassis Replacement
precautionary measure.
a. Removal.
115-volt ac input (high)
(1) Set POWER switch to OFF.
115-volt ac input (neutral)
(2) Loosen but do not remove the two captive
screws (21, fig. C-1) at each end of connector P1.
115-volt ac output (high)
(3) Disconnect plug P1 from status processor
115-volt ac output (neutral)
receptacle J12.
(4) Remove four mounting screws (22) and four
Alarm signal output
washers (23).
Signal common
(5) Remove status processor assembly (24) from
Tamper signal input
control unit.
+5 volts dc output
b. Installation.
(7) Disconnect power supply interconnecting
wiring shown in figure 7-1. The power supply internal wiring,
(1) Install status processor assembly using four
also shown, should not be disconnected. Remove wire bundle
screws (22) fig. C-1) and four washers (23).
ties only as required to separate the power supply and
(2) Connect plug P1 to status processor
interconnecting wire bundles.
(3) Install and tighten connector retaining screws
The power supply weights approximately
9 pounds. Exercise care when removing
7-12. Power Supply Replacement
mounting screws to prevent dropping
a. Removal.
the power supply. Equipment damage or
(1) Set POWER, switch to OFF.
personal injury could result.
(2) Disconnect battery wires and remove battery
(8) Remove four mounting screws (5) fig. C-and
from control unit.
four lock washers (6).
(3) Perform the following steps to gain access to
(9) Remove power supply (7).
power supply access cover screws on power supplies serial
(10) Install power supply access cover.
numbered 0001 through 0059:
b. Installation.
(a) Loosen inboard terminal screw at TB24
(1) Remove four mounting screws (10), fig. C-1)
and remove two spade lugs.
and four lock washers (11) from power supply access cover.
(b) Loosen inboard terminal screw at L2-3
Remove cover (12).
and remove one spade lug.
(4) Remove four mounting screws (10) fig. C1),
A 115-volt ac potential may cause death
four lock washers (11), and power supply access cover (12).
under certain conditions; therefore,
precautions should be taken at all times.
If possible, turn off and tag 115-volt ac
power source to the control unit before
A 115-volt ac potential may cause death
attempting to install the power supply.
under certain conditions; therefore,
(2) Position power supply on mounting studs with
precautions should be taken at all times.
wire bundle located beneath power supply. Install four
If possible, turn off and tag the 115-volt
mounting screws (5) fig. C-1) and four lock washers (6).
ac power source to the control unit
(3) Connect power supply interconnecting wiring
before disconnecting power supply
as shown in figure 7-2.
Change 2 7-7
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