![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/5
NAVELEX 0967-466-9050
TO 31S9-4-38-1 Chg 2
alarm is latched in. In turn once security personnel have
responded to the alarm, located the source of the alarm, and
If the control unit room is guarded by an
restored the affected sensor to the no-alarm condition, the
intrusion detection sensor, exit from the
control unit circuitry must then be reset. Perform the following
room must be made before expiration of
steps in response to an alarm condition.
the exit time delay (para 3-5)
(1) Immediately upon entering the control unit area,
3-5. Operation
turn operating mode switch to TEST/RESET before expiration
of the entrance time delay. This unlatches or resets the
a. General. The control unit is normally located in a locked
Audible Alarm BZ-204 ( )/FSS-9(V) output, and, if the sensor
room and under surveillance of instrusion detection sensors.
responsible for the alarm has not been reset to the no-alarm
To prevent initiating an intrusion alarm upon entering or
condition, the control unit sonalert (audible alarm) will sound.
exiting from the area, the control unit is equipped with
If a door protected by a Balanced Magnetic Switch is open,
adjustable entrance and exit time delay circuits. Obtain the
the Balanced Magnetic Switch will remain in the alarm
specific entrance and exit times set from responsible direct
condition until the door is closed. A Fixed Duress Sensor,
support (intermediate) and general support maintenance
once placed in the alarm condition, will remain in the alarm
personnel. The following operating procedures assume the
condition until manually reset by removing the enclosure
above conditions are applicable.
cover and pressing the RESET switch. If an Ultrasonic Motion
Sensor is installed in the control unit area, it will continue to
b. Inspection and Maintenance. To enter the control unit area
generate an alarm as long as personnel are moving about in
for performing the routine inspection and maintenance
the area.
specified in Chapter 5, proceed with the following steps:
(1) Immediately upon entering the control unit area,
turn the operating mode switch to TEST/RESET or ACCESS
before expiration of the entrance time delay.
In the test/reset mode the sonalert will
sound for 10 2 seconds after the alarm
(2) To open the control unit door for interior
condition is removed.
inspection, etc., turn operating mode switch to TEST/RESET,
unlock and open door, and pull out tamper switch plunger.
Under this condition all alarm inputs can be monitored while
(2) If applicable, unlock and open door to observe
work is in progress. After completing task, close and lock
duress and intrusion alarm display board.
door and turn operating mode switch to SECURE.
(3) If applicable, close and lock door following alarm
(3) To exit, turn operating mode switch to TEST/RESET or
identification. Remove key.
ACCESS momentarily then to SECURE. Remove keys and
exit from the room before expiration of the exit time delay.
(4) When the sensor responsible for the alarm
condition has been reset, turn the operating mode switch to
c. Controlled Zone Access. To allow personnel to enter or
SECURE. Remove key and exit from the room before
exit a controlled zone without setting off Audible Alarm BZ-204
expiration of the exit time delay.
( )/FSS-9(V), perform the following steps:
3-6. Shutdown Procedure
(1) Immediately upon entering the control unit area,
turn operating mode switch to ACCESS before expiration of
the entrance time delay. In this condition all intrusion alarms
are inhibited to allow entry or exit from the controlled zone
Removal of power from the control unit
without setting off an alarm. However all tamper and duress
will cause Audible Alarm BZ-204( )/FSS-
status conditions are still being monitored.
9(V) to sound. Shutdown operation of
Audible Alarm BZ204( )/FSS-9(V) if
(2) To return the system to normal, turn the operating
mode switch to SECURE. Remove key and exit from the
room before expiration of the exit time delay.
(1) Unlock and open door.
d. Alarm Condition. Entrance into the control unit area during
(2) Place POWER switch to OFF.
an alarm condition may be required to either identify the
location of an intrusion alarm or to reset the latched alarm
(3) If applicable, close and lock door.
condition to a no-alarm condition. Once an alarm signal has
been initiated and lasts for at least 100 milli-seconds, the
Remove key.
Change 2
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