![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/5
NAVELEX 0967-466-9050
TO 31S9-4-38-1 Chg 3
(9) Perform the following steps to gain
access to power supply access cover
screws on power supplies serial
maintenance or checkout on the Control
numbered 0001 through 0059:
Unit take care to ensure that the test
points on the Status Processor circuit
cards are never inadvertently grounded.
(a) Loosen inboard terminal screw at
When taking voltage measurements with
TB2-4 and remove two spade lugs.
a voltohmmeter ensure that the meter is
(b) Loosen inboard terminal screw at L2-
set to the proper voltage range before
3 and remove one spade lug.
plugging a probe into a test point.
(10) Remove four screws (11, figure C-1),
four lockwashers (12), and power supply
b. Perform the following steps to install the control unit.
access cover (13).
Steps 2 and 3 of the following procedure
A 115-volt ac potential may cause death
should be performed by two persons to
under certain conditions; therefore,
lessen the possibility of personnel injury
precautions should be taken at all times.
or damage to equipment due to
If possible, turn off and tag the 115-volt
accidentally dropping the equipment.
ac power source to the control unit
(1) Unlock and open control unit door.
before installing this equipment.
(2) Hold control unit in mounting
(11) Make sure 115-volt facility power
position on the wall. Using the control
source for control unit is off. Connect
unit mounting holes (see fig. 2-1) as
115-volt ac 60-Hz power and an adequate
guides, mark the four places for
ground to terminal board TBI. (See fig.
installation of mounting fasteners.
(3) Install control unit on wall.
12) Replace spade lugs removed in (9)
(13) Turn on 115-volt power to control
The lower portion of the two upper
mounting holes is larger than the head of
(14) Check control unit for proper
any type fastener which might be used.
operation in accordance with paragraph
This allows partial installation of the two
upper fasteners prior to lifting the
control unit into position.
(4) Make a thorough inspection of the
The control unit is shipped with orange
enclosure interior for metal particles and
jumper wires installed between terminals
other foreign matter resulting from
1, 2, and 3 of terminal boards A through
cutting access holes and installation.
F, and between terminals 8 and 9 on
(5) Clean interior if necessary.
terminal board S. These jumper wires
(6) Place POWER switch (fig. 3-1) to
are required when the respective sensors
are not used and for performing tests.
When not in use, they should be stored
in the bottom of the control unit.
Do not install battery without first
Entrance (ingress) and exit (egress) time
recharging and testing in accordance
with instructions given in chapter 7. To
(approximately 10 seconds) at the
do so may create a safety hazard.
(7) Set emergency power battery in
(15) If applicable, adjust entrance and
bottom of control unit enclosure with
exit time delays in accordance with
positive (red) terminal on the left side.
(8) Connect the two battery wires.
(16) Place POWER switch to OFF.
(17) Complete installation of system
interconnecting conduit and wiring. (See
The battery wire terminals and battery
terminals are mechanically polarized to
figure 6-1 for input/output functions.)
prevent incorrect installation.
(18) Replace power supply access cover.
(Refer to (9) and (10) above.)
Change 3
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