![]() CHAPTER 3
3-1. General
The processor/detector vibration signal consists of one processor and from one to twenty detectors. The processor, when
operating, is a closed unit and contains one SENSITIVITY control that is preset during the checkout procedures. The
detector, when operating, is a closed unit and contains a GAIN control that is preset during the checkout procedures.
There are no operator/crew controls associated with this equipment.
3-2. Controls
a. Processor. The processor has a SENSITIVITY control (R47) (fig. 1-1) which sets the sensitivity level of the
output front three broadband amplifier stages. This control facilitates sensitivity adjustment of the processor to
compensate for the number of detectors in the processor/detector vibration signal and the extreme range coverage which
may be encountered between the detectors. This control is used only during installation adjustment to compensate for
changes in environment in the protected area or during periods of maintenance.
b. Detector. Each detector has a GAIN control (R6) (fig.1-1) which sets the detector gain level for optimum
detection performance. This control is used only during installation adjustment to compensate for changes in
environment in the protected area or during periods of maintenance.
Table 3-1. Controls
Sensitivity R47
Sets the processor sensitivity level.
Dial is indexed from 1 to 5
Note: Each dial number represents a 6 db change.
Gain R6
Sets the detector gain level. Dial is indexed from 1 to 10.
Note: Gain is down to 10 db when going from 10 to 7 on the dial.
3-3. General
The usual conditions of operation are during the absence of normal authorized personnel and the, potential presence of
unauthorized personnel in the, surveillance area.
3-4. Operation
Once the processor and the detectors have been installed and checked out (chapter 2) the only remaining procedure of
operation is to establish the operating time periods for the equipment.
a. Starting Procedure. Control of the processor/detector vibration signal is by means of the J-SIIDS control unit.
Refer to TM -6350 262-14/14.
b. Initial Adjustment. Initial adjustment of SENSITIVITY control (R47) (fig.1-1) (processor) and GAIN control (R6)
(fig. 1-1) (detector) was performed following the installation in Chapter 2. No further adjustments are required.
c. Operation Procedure. Refer to TM 5 6350 262-14 /14 for operating procedures.
3-5. Unusual Operating Conditions
Unusual conditions of operation may occur when faulty moving machinery generates excessive vibration which is
transferred to the area being protected resulting in a nuisance alarm.
3-6. Emergency Operation
Operation with the knowledge of incomplete surveillance coverage or faulty tamper circuit (nonmalicious), may be
continued knowing that 100 percent protection is not available. Operation under these conditions should be held to an
absolute minimum.
Installation of air moving equipment, radiators, heavy machines, etc. alters the conditions
under which the original equipment was adjusted. If this occurs, a repeat of the
appropriate steps in paragraph 2-8d(3) is required to insure adequate surveillance
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