![]() CHAPTER 2
2-1. General
coverage may be reduced to 56%.
When eight
transceivers are used under quiet conditions the range is
reduced to approximately 90% (31.5 feet) and for
Equipment planning involves becoming familiar with the
turbulent conditions approximately 62% (22 feet) while
capabilities of the processor and the transceiver used to
the area coverage is down to 81% for quiet conditions
survey the area and the area that is to be protected
and 40% for turbulent conditions. From the analysis of
against intrusion. A processor is capable of operating
with one to twenty transceivers connected by cable up to
transceiver is maximized by avoiding turbulent
a length of 500 feet. To determine the number and the
placement of transceivers required, investigation of the
size of the area, area environmental conditions and area
reflective properties must be performed.
2-3. Area Surveillance
The most effective protection is given to areas within
line-of-sight of a transceiver. Additional coverage is
obtained through reflections, and is dependent on the
Before permanently mounting the
particular geometry. Large objects in a room may
transceivers in a given location, a walk
produce insensitive areas (shading) on the side away
test of each anticipated location (with
from the transceiver.
Large rooms which are
the equipment operating should be
compartmentalized by high furniture, equipment, racks,
performed to insure that proper
stacks of stored material, etc., are best protected when
coverage will be obtained.
they are regarded as several smaller rooms with each
open (line-of-sight) area covered by a transceiver. Line-
of-sight operation alone prescribed travel lanes in
The following installation procedures
storage areas insures positive protection as storage
must be made with the assistance of
material is added, removed, or shifted to other areas.
Direct Support (intermediate) or higher
2-4. Area Environment
level maintenance personnel.
Mounting locations of transceivers should be
2-2. Equipment capabilities.
substantially free of air turbulence which is a source of
Each transceiver provides an egg-shaped volume of
noise and tends to reduce the maximum range and
coverage with its maximum dimensions approximately
coverage area. Maximum coverage is obtained in still
as shown in figure 2-1. This area will shrink for each
air. If possible, do not locate the transceiver adjacent to
transceiver as the number of transceivers are added
fans, air ducts, or radiators. Vibrations transferred to the
and as the air turbulence increases. As transceivers are
transceiver from the mounting surface can also cause
added, the coverage of each one is reduced as shown in
reduced sensitivity; therefore, be sure that the mounting
For a single transceiver, under quiet
surface is solid and free from vibration. Consider the
conditions, full coverage (25 by 35 feet, figure 2-1) is
possible activity of adjacent heavy machinery, that may
obtained. For a turbulence condition the range may be
be operating during periods of surveillance operation,
reduced to 75% (approximately 26 feet) and the area
which could result in a potential source of vibration.
Figure 2-1. Nominal coverage of a single transceiver.
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