7-13. (dross Shaft Disassembly
speed gear (7) must be installed with larger gear teeth
a. On right leg remove the handle and crankshaft
towards the inside.
assembly - (para 7-12)
7-14. Removal of Jackscrew
b. Loosen and remove four round head screws (1,
a. Complete cross shaft d is assembly ( para 7-13)
c. Remove the two groove pins (3).
b. .Holding bottom of jackscrew (12, fig.7-6) to keep
d. On right leg remove the groove pin (8) from gear
it from rotating, loosen and remove jam nut (13) washer
(14) gear ( 11) with key (15) and jackscrew bushing.
hub (7) and shaft (5).
c. Slide jackscrew down and out of leg and remove
e Slide shaft (5) or (6) out removing gear (4) on
thrust bearing (17) and bearing washer (18).
right leg gear (7) too, as it is withdrawn from shaft bushing
d. Reassemble jackscrew in upper leg housing in
in housing.
Shaft bushing (9) is replaced the same way as
reverse order.
crankshaft bushing in paragraph 7-12.
7-15. Removal of Braces
g. On right let detent assembly(10) may be removed
a. Loosen and remove hex head bolt (19), and lock
from inner plate. This is the spring-loaded detent that fits
nut (20). These secure bottom of each brace (21) and
in the detent grooves (15,fig. 7-5) of the crankshaft (12)
(22) to bracket on housing.
giving position for gear ratio.
b. Install braces in reverse order.
h. Reassemble cross shaft assembly in reverse
order. Care must be taken that the gears (4, 11, fig.7-6)
are properly meshed.
On the right leg the two
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