![]() (4) Replace with a 3/8 x 60" hose with fittings.
f. Assembly of RE-6 Relay Emergency Valve (fig. 4-
Install hose assembly in reverse order.
b. Brake Chamber Hose (fig. 4-14).
(1) Prior to assembly lubricate lightly all rubber
parts and mating surfaces and bores with a barium base
(1) The two front wheels use 24" long hose
grease. All surfaces must be free from foreign material
assemblies, the rear wheel hoses are 48" long.
when assembling.
(2) Disconnect the hose from the RE-6 relay
(2) Slip inlet and exhaust valve over inlet and
emergency valve.
exhaust valve body.
(3) Remove screw on hose separator and separator
(3) Install O-ring in valve guide.
(4) Install valve retainer, spring and valve guide.
(4) Disconnect hose from brake chamber.
(5) Compress spring by holding valve guide and
(5) Replace the front wheel air hose with a 3/8 x 24"
install retaining ring making certain ring is properly
long air hose with fittings. Install hose assembly in
installed in groove.
reverse order.
Install O-ring on inlet and exhaust valve
4-44. Lamp Holder Replacement ({fig. 4-15)
Replacement of Clearance Marker Lamp Holder.
(7) Install inlet and exhaust valve assembly inside
of emergency piston and, using tru-arc pliers, install
b. With circuit de-energized, remove the two screws
retaining ring making certain ring is properly seated into
on ends of lamp holder, remove holder from trailer
(8) Install emergency piston O-ring.
c. Disconnect wire from lamp holder to trailer wiring.
Replace filter assembly (using new filter
You may have to cut the wire so that outer covering
assembly if necessary) in emergency port of valve.
3/16 loom may be used after splicing in new wire.
(10) Install valve seat on piston.
d. Connect wire from new holder into trailer wiring in
(11) Install relay piston O-ring on relay piston.
same manner as the other holder. If wire had to be cut,
(12) Install O-ring in upper bore of body (between
splice new wire to trailer wire, tape and cover with 3/16
body and retainer),.
loom to keep it water-tight. Do not substitute. Use
recommended lamp holder.
(13) Install sealing ring in groove of body.
e. Place new lamp holder into position and mount it
(14) Install relay piston in cover (Boss on cover will
with the three screws.
go into bore in piston)
(15) Install relay piston return spring on body, and
install cover on body and secure with cap screws and
4-45. Replacement of Cable Connectors (fig 4-16)
lockwashers making certain that cover is in proper
a. Replacement of 12 pin 24 volt connector.
position in relation to body.
(1) Remove the four screws, nuts and lock-washers.
(16) Install emergency piston and inlet and exhaust
(Connector is the top one on the box).
valve assembly in body.
(2) Remove connector from box.
(17) Install O-ring in body (between emergency
(3) Unsolder the five wires to the pins of connector.
piston and bore of body).
(4) Solder wires to new connector (12 pin #
(18) Install emergency piston spring in body.
7731428E) according to diagram figure 4-16.
(19) Install exhaust diaphragm, diaphragm washer
(5) Mount connector and spring cover on box with
and screw.
the four screws, nut and lockwasher.
(20) Install small O-ring on exhaust cover.
b. Replacement of 7 pin 12 Volt Connector.
(21) Install check valve and check valve spring.
(1) Remove the two screws, nuts and lockwashers.
(Spring will fit in groove provided in cover).
(Connector is bottom one on front of the box 1).
(22) Install exhaust cover using cap screws and
(2) Remove connectors from box.
(3) Solder wire to new connector (7 pin Berg # 782-
4-43. Brake Hose Assembly Replacement (fig. 4-14)
ATA) according to diagram figure 4-16.
a. Service or Emergency Hose.
4-46. Replacement of Voltage Reducer
(1) Disconnect hand coupling in middle of trailer
The voltage reducer consists of 7,55 watt resistors of
various values. Replace them according to diagram
(2) Remove screw on hose separator and separate
4-47. Trailer Wiring
(3) Disconnect hose from RE-6 Relay Emergency
Replace or repair according to figure 4-15.
Valve mount on reservoir. (The top connection is the
service port and lower one is the emergency port). See
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