![]() 3-25. Cable Spreader Heads
3-27. Ground Rods and Cables
a. Inspect the spreader bar for straightness, the
a. Inspect ground rods for straightness, I nicks or
end plates are not loose, the surface for scratches or
bends, clean and free from dirt and fun growth.
b. Inspect cables for broken strands, bad kin dirt
b. If bar is bent have it straightened.
and fungus growth.
c. If end plate loose have rewelded.
3-28. Cable Splice Kits
d. Clean and repaint scarred areas.
a. Check high voltage splice kit to see that i
3-26. Access Ladder
b. Check low voltage splice kit to see that is
Inspect the ladder for loose steps, bent sides, bent hand
rail, and that pivot of the top landing is working.
3-29. General
3-30. Under ,Carriage Assembly
Instructions contained in this section are for operators
a. Inspect the suspension for loose bolts and worn
information and guidance in maintenance of the semi-
or damaged parts. If bolts are found to be loose they
should be retorqued to:
1/2 inch
adjustable torque arm
45-55 foot pounds
clamp bolt
5/8 inch
equilizer step bolt
75-90 foot pounds
7/8 inch
"U" bolt
225-250 foot pounds
1 inch
torque arm bolts
350-375 foot pounds
Torque specification call for clean dry threads, use of
b. Inspect brake hose assembly to see that the
lubricants or sealants reduce requirements.
lines are not pinched or cracked, hose is not " torn or
frayed, all connections and air hose fittings are tight.
b. Lubricate in accordance with current Lubrication
3-35. King Pin Fifth Wheel
Visually inspect king pin for cracks, gouges or burrs.
Report cracks and deep gouges to Direct Support
3-31. Tires
Maintenance. Remove burrs and clean. Lubricate pin
a. Inspect the tires for cuts, bruises, breaks,
with G A A grease (automotive and artillery ).
blisters, uneven wear, embedded foreign matter and
damaged valve stems.
3-36. Lamp Bulbs
b. Check for correct tire pressure and missing
valve caps. Correct tire pressure is 85 lbs.
a. General. Inspect all lamps to see that they are
intact and functioning properly Replace bulbs that are
3-32. Axle Hub
burned out. Use only the proper bulb replacement. This
a. After unit has set sufficient time to allow oil to
system has been designed for a specific load and any
drain to static condition, oil level can be seen and
variance from this load could burn out the resistors in
should be maintained at oil level as shown on
the nose box.
transparent hub cap.
b. Replacement of Clearance Marker Lamps.
b. Use lubricant
Lubrication Order.
(1) Place blade of screw driver in slot on one
end of holder and twist, lens snaps off from holder
3-33. Landing Gear
(2) Remove burned out or broken bulbs.
a. Inspect for loose or missing bolts, worn or dam
(Two bulbs per holder).
aged parts, and that each leg has an operative grease
(3) Insert and secure new bulb or bulbs.
b. Tighten or replace all missing or loose bolts,
Socket and bulb base are the bayonet type. Always
replace missing grease fitting.
replace with recommended bulb. Do not substitute.
c. Report damaged or worn parts.
(4) Replace lens by engaging one end in the
recess around holder, then snapping other end in place.
3-34. Valves
a. Inspect chamber for dents and leaks, chamber
linkages for binds. all mounting bolts tight.
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