![]() b. Clean and repaint pre-painted surfaces that are
2-16. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas Keep the
chipped or corroded
unit as clean as possible paying special attention to the
air filters and grills.
2-19. Operation at High Altitudes The effect of the
decreased air density due to high altitude is to increase
2-17. Operation Under Rainy or Himid Conditions
the temperature rise of the transformer which is
Inspect the unit closely for corrosive action. Clean and
dependent upon air for the dissipation of its heat losses.
paint chipped areas.
The transformer can be operated at rated KVA at
altitudes greater than 3,300 feet without exceeding
2-18. Operation in Saltwater Areas
temperature limits provided the average temperature of
the cooling air does not exceed the temperature shown
a. Salt water causes corrosive action on metal.
in table 2-2
Care must be taken to avoid equipment contact with salt
water. If contact is made, or if unit is exposed to salt
spray, wash the exterior frequently with clean fresh
Table 2-2 Maximum Allowable Average Temperature of Cooling Air for Carrying Rated K VA
Method of
Cooling Transformer
3300 Ft.
6600 Ft
9900 Ft.
13,200 Ft
Degrees C
with the removal of the landing gear, rear bumper or the
2-20. Operation at 50 Cycle The 50 cycle operation
wheels and suspension.
requires a primary voltage to the transformer of 3467
b. Removal of landing gear assembly (fig. 218).
volts with a reduced KVA rating of 417. A complete
(1) Loosen and remove the two 12-16 hex
rating is: OA-T-50 rycles-417 KVA (65 degrees C)-
head bolts (I) and lock nuts 12) on either end of cross
3467I 3Y / I 00 x 347Y / 200.
shaft (3).
(2) Remove cross shaft (3).
2-21. Operation Using Main Breaker Only
(3) Loosen and remove the four 'St-11 hex
To use the main breaker only the feeder busses should
head bolts (4) and locknuts (5) fastening the four
be disconnected from the main breaker output studs.
landing gear braces to the trailer body.
This is accomplished by removing the removable links
(4) Loosen and remove the sixteen /-13 hex
in each of the three feeder bus connections to the main
head bolts (6) and locknuts (7), 8 for each side,
breaker output. Refer to Organizational Maintenance.
fastening the landing gear brackets to trailer body.
(5) Remove landing gear from trailer.
2-22. Preparation for air shipment
(6) All bolts and locknuts should be inserted
into their respective holes in landing gear assembly for
General. The trailer body must be
supported in such a manner that it does not interfere
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