![]() 4-13. Liquid-level Gage
temperature sensitive bulb in a well which extends into
the transformer's top liquid and is secured with a union
nut. The well is liquid-tight thus permitting removal of
a. The liquid level gage consists of a float arm and
the thermometer without lowering the liquid level or
magnet on one side of a liquid-tight partition and a
breaking the transformer seal.
second magnet and indicating pointer on the other side.
The gage can be removed whenever the liquid is at or
b. Loosen union nut directly behind the gage.
below the 250C level.
c. Remove gage.
b. To remove the liquid level gage, remove the
two screws in the round face cover.
d. Replace in reverse order.
c. Remove cover and gage.
4-16. Winding Temperature
d. Replace in reverse order.
a. This gage is mounted in the same manner as
the liquid temperature gage. It is removed and replaced
4-14. Pressure Vacuum Gage
in the same way. Care must be taken when inserting
the bulb into the well to prevent damage to the
insulation on the bulb.
a. The pressure vacuum gage can be removed
when the transformer has been vented and the internal
and external pressures are equal.
If a remote alarm has been wired
b. Loosen the nut behind the gage.
to the switch of this device the
c. Remove gage.
wires must be disconnected
before removal and connected to
d. Replace in reverse order.
See wiring diagram
4-15. Liquid Temperature Gage
a. 'The thermometer is mounted with its
4-17. Enclosure
4-19. Lamp Holder Replacement (60 Watt 115 V)
a. Keep all mechanisms for door and panel
tight, free from
a. De-energize circuit by removing the 20 amp
fuse in light and heater circuit. Fuse block is on inside
of the right section rear door, fig. 2-16).
b. Door hinges are not of the removable pin type,
the hinge is welded to the door assembly. The door
b. Unscrew 60 watt bulb and remove from sock et.
assembly is bolted to the cabinet by two locknuts for
c. Unscrew and remove the two self-tapping
each hinge. To remove a door the locknuts are
screws, one each side of lamp socket (fig. 4-1 I.
removed and then the door assembly. A new assembly
is put in place and secured by the locknuts. Adjust the
d. Remove the two wires connected to the back of
latching mechanism for good weather seal.
socket by screws.
c. The door handles may be replaced by removing
e. Replace the old socket with a new one and
taper pin on inside pinning handle to keyed latch and
install in reverse order of step b, c, and d.
latch bar actuator. Remove handle by pulling out
towards front of door. Install new handle in reverse
4-20. Heater Replacement (fig. 2-16 and 2-17)
a. Loosen the two bolts on the inner end.
4-18. Fuses
b. Remove the bolts and two wire., c. Loosen and
With an ohmmeter test the fuses by placing a meter tip
remove the bolt on the outer end.
on each end and read meter for continuity. No reading
d. Remove heater strip.
indicates a blown fuse.
e. Install new heater strip in reverse order.
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