1. Nut
10. Button
2. Washer
11. Screw
12. Lockwasher
3. Stud
4. Gasket
13. Spacer
5. Screw
14. Gasket
6. Lockwasher
15. Screw
7. Gear Cover
16. Lockwasher
8. Oil Seal
17. Gasket
9. Dowel Pin
Figure 3-19. Gear cover, gear, and spacer, disassembly and reassembly.
( 2 ) Inspect engine supports for cracks and
3-21. Crankcase Cover (Oil Pan) and Engine
c. Installation.
a. Removal.
(1) Install a new crankcase cover gasket.
(1) Remove drain plug and drain engine oil.
(2) Refer to figure 3-20 and install the crank-
(2) Refer to figure 3-20 and remove the crank-
case cover and engine support.
case cover and engine supports.
(3) Fill the crankcase with engine oil in ac-
b. Inspection.
cordance with current lubrication order.
(1) Inspect crankcase cover for dents and
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