friction plate (41) must line up between file
(10) Carefully press bearing and brush holder
marks on flange of drive shaft.
support assembly (52), with ball bearing (51) onto
shaft of armature assembly (48) until bearing is
(15) Install drive shaft assembly (36) into the
flush against baffle disc (47). Press only on inner
hollows shaft of armature assembly (48), making
race of bearing.
certain that splines of drive shaft assembly engage
(11) Install grommet (55) into stator (54).
those of armature shaft.
(12) Install armature into stator assembly,
(16) After placing washer (35) on end of shaft
alining holes for cap screws (32) so that brush
and so that it rests against fan (44), secure with two
h o l d e r s are centered in the brush inspection
piece locknut (34).
window of the stator assembly.
(17) Hold splined end of drive shaft with
(13) Position fan (44) on armature shaft using
spline wrench, and torque inner portion of nut (34)
to 180-200 inch-pounds,then torque outer portion
key (45).
(14) Assemble drive shaft assembly as follows:
of nut (34) to 125-150 inch-pounds.
If clutch parts were removed, slide friction plate
(18) Install fan (cover (31) and secure with the
twelve cap screws (32) and washers (33). Lockwire
(41) and pressure plate (40) over shaft (42) and
onto studs. See table 3-4 for method of lubrication.
cap screws in pairs.
Position the six springs (39) over studs and hold in
(19) lnstall the six brushes ( 2 9 ) securing
place with adapter retainer (38). Secure with nuts
brush leads with screws (30). Install brush cover
band assembly (28).
(20) Reassemble filter box (1 through 25).
(21) Replace identification plate (1) and
Adjust drive shaft holding torque to 10--12
secure with Screws (2), i f r e m o v e d d u r i n g
foot-pound by tightening or loosening nuts
(37). There are two file marks on flange of the
shaft and one on perimeter of friction plate
( 2 2 ) Refer to TM 5-6115-440-20 for brush
(41). After checking torque, the file mark on
Table 3-4. Table of Lubrication Data
Make certain that all splines surfaces
Drive Shaft
Grease MIL-L-3545
are liberally covered with a film of
Grease M I L - L - 3 5 4 5
Apply a thin film of grease to clutch
Dampener Friction Plate
faces whenever assembling friction
and dampener plates to drive shaft.
(3) Connect terminal "A" to the generator side
Starter-Generator Brush Run-in.
of the switch through 10-ohm rheostat.
a. Equipment Required. The usual equipment
( 4 ) R o t a t e the rheostat control to the
required for the brush run-in procedure follows:
minimum resistance reading and close the circuit
(1) A 28-volt direct current power source.
with the switch. The generator should start and run
(2) A set of V-blocks, padded with sponge
as a motor in a clockwise direction when viewed
rubber to support the generator.
from the air inlet end. If rotation is coun-
(3) A single-pole, single-throw switch capable
terclockwise, thoroughly cheek all internal and
of handling an excess of 400 amperes.
external connections.
(4) A rheostat having a minimum rating of 10
ohms and 20 amperes.
Make certain the rheostat is blocked off
( 5 ) A tachometer of suitable range, or a
in such a manner that it cannot be set to
stroboscopic light for indicating generator speed.
an i n f i n i t e resistance value a s t h i s
(6) A resistor in the armature circuit with an
would cause the generator to attain
0.1 ohm. 100 to 400 ampere rating.
excessive speed.
b. Run-In Procedure (fig. 3-12).
(5) Adjust the speed of rotation until the
(1) Mount the generator in the V-block for
armature is revolving at approximately 4,500 rpm.
support and connect terminal "E" of the generator
(6) Allow the generator to operate as a motor
to the negative terminal of the 28-volt direct current
until the brushes show a minimum seating of 90
power source.
percent in an axial direction and 100 percent in the
(2) Connect terminal "B" through the resistor
direction of rotation.
and switch to the positive terminal of the power
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