3-12. General
Check that insulation is not damaged. Replace coil
if necessary.
The electrical system consist of the magneto and
(3) Check teeth or rotor gear (42) and shaft
t h e starter generator. The magneto is a radio
a n d gear (46) for damage or wear. Replace if
shielded assembly that contains the breaker points,
capacitor and timing gear for determining the spark
d. Reassembly. Refer to figure 3-8 and
advance. The starter-generator serves the dual
reassemble in the reverse of numerical sequence.
purpose of starting the engine and provides output
Note the following:
v o l t a g e by being driven by the engine during
(1) Replace discarded parts with parts sup-
normal operation.
plied in repair kit.
3 - 1 3 . Magneto
(2) Lubricate cam portion of rotor gear (42,
a. Removal. Remove the magneto (TM 5-6115-
fig. 3-8) with a light coating of grease before in-
b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 3-8 and
(3) Mate gear of shaft and gear (46) to rotor
disassemble the magneto in numerical sequence.
gear (42) when flat sides of shaft and gear and rotor
Discard removed parts for which replacement parts
gear are adjacent.
are supplied in magneto repair kit.
(4) Install new breaker point set (40). Adjust
c. Inspection and Repair.
breaker point gap (TM 5-6115-440-20)
(1) Inspect cam wick (35, fig. 3-8) for
e. Installation. Install the magneto (TM 5-6115-
evidence of dirt or grease. Replace cam wick if dirty
or saturated with grease.
f. A d j u s t m e n t . Adjust the magneto breaker
(2) Check that coil (70) is not shorted or open.
p o i n t s (TM 5-6115-440-20).
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