![]() TM5-6115-423-15
illustrated on figure 24. Observe the follow-
b. Disassembly. Disassemble
absorbers in the numerical sequence shown or
(1) Start winding the resistive element at
the fan end of absorber at post No.
c. Cleaning. Clean all non-electrical parts
1, in second groove. Wind in a
with an approved cleaning solvent and dry
counterclockwise direction.
thoroughly. Clean all electrical parts with a dry
(2) Mount fan with hub 3/8 inch from
lint-free cloth.
end of shaft.
d. Inspecting. Visually inspect all parts for
(3) Feed motor leads, thermal overload
cracks, damage and stripped or damaged
switch leads, and wind switch leads
threads. Check wind switch for continuity. Use
through clamp (50) and behind bus
a Strobotac and check the rpm of the fan motor
bar (39). After connecting leads to
shaft. Allowable tolerance is 3300 to 4000 rpm.
terminal board (45) dress them away
e. Reassembly. Reassemble the power ab-
from bus bar.
sorber in the reverse of the numerical sequence
c. Cleaning. Clean the control transformer
91, General
with compressed air and a dry lint-free cloth.
The control transformers are rated as
d. Inspecting. Visually inspect the control
follows: 120/240 volt, 50 to 1000 cps, single
phase, dual volt input; 34.5 0.4 volt at open
transformer for bent terminals, stripped or
circuit, 31.5 0.4 volts at 2.0 ampere, 26.0
d a m a g e d threads, a n d f r a y e d o r d a m a g e d
0.4 volts at 5.0 ampere output. The trans-
former is forced air cooled at 500 lineal feet
e. Testing.
per minute at 125 degrees F.
(1) Test the control transformed for open
circuits using a multimeter applied to
92. Repair of Control Transformer
each of two terminals in combination.
(2) Test the control transformer for
a. On Equipment Test. Refer to paragraph
grounds or insulation breakdown by
b. Removal and Installation. Refer to para-
applying one probe of multimeter to
graph 78 to remove and install the control
each terminal in turn, and the other
probe to ground.
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