![]() TM 5-6115-423-15
84. Repair of Rectifier
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to para-
across the cells of rectifier and observe reading.
gaph 74 to remove and install the rectifier.
Reverse the multimeter probes and observe
b. Cleaning. Clean dust and dirt from recti-
reading. The difference between the two read-
fier using compressed air.
ings is the front-to-back ratio and should be
C. Inspecting. Visually inspect the rectifier
about 500 to 1 or greater. Replace rectifier
for bent terminals. stripped or damaged
with high front-to-back ratio.
threads, and bent or' damaged plates. -
b. Cleaning. Clean case of relay with an
85. General
approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
The relay is rated as follows: 3 pole double
throw, 3 ampere inductive at 120 volts AC and
1 ampere inductive at 240 volts AC, 50 to
stripped or damaged threads, and for damage
1000 CPS, continuous duty, 240 volt coil nomi-
to the case.
nal. Pull-in between 150 and 200 volts maxi-
mum with maximum differential between start
d. Testing. Monitor each contact using 115
of pull-in and sealed condition of 12 volts at
volt AC lamp in series with each contact (6
any frequency between 50 and 1000 cps.
lamps). No dimming of the lamps should
86. Repair of Relay
occur between 0 to 150 volts 50 to 1000 cycles
input. Lamps should be at full brightness at
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to para-
graph 75 to remove and install the relay.
an input of 200 volts, 50 to 1000 cycles.
87. General
88. Repair of Contactor
The contactor is rated at 200 ampere, 200
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to para-
graph 76 to remove and install the contactor.
volt, 400 cycle, 3-pole single throw, 28 volt
b. Cleaning. Clean case of contactor with
DC operated. It is capable of controlling a 40
an approved solvent and dry thoroughly.
kw, 3 phase wye connected balanced resistive
c. Inspecting. Visually inspect contactor for
load at 120/208 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire; 240 volt,
damage to case.
3-phase, 3-wire; or 240/416 volt, 3-phase, 4-
d. Testing. Apply a voltage to coils of con-
wire input at any frequency between 50 to 1000
tractor and check that they operate. Check for
burned or pitted contacts
Section VI.
protected by a wind switch and a thermal over-
89. General
load switch set at 120 degrees C.
The three duck-type, 10 kw power absorbers
90. Repair of Power Absorbers
provide the load bank with the necessary resis-
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to para-
tive loads.. The resistive elements are 1/8 inch
graph 77 to remove and install the power ab-
corrugated nichrome ribbon enclosed within a
slotted housing. The unit is fan cooled, and
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