![]() TM
calendar months or 250 hours of operation,
3 2 . Quarterly Preventive Maintenance
which ever occurs first.
a. This paragraph contains an illustrated
b. The item numbers are listed consecutively
tabulated listing of preventive maintenance
and indicate the sequence of minimum require
services which must he performed by orga-
ments. Refer to figure 12 for the quarterly
nizational maintenance personnel at quarterly
preventive maintenance services.
intervals. A quarterly interval is equal to 3-
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean all parts
33. General
with an approved cleaning solvent and dry
The instructions in this section are published
thoroughly. Inspect for cracks, breaks, or other
for the information of the operator in main-
damage. Replace all defective parts.
taining the load bank.
38. Wind Switch and Toggle Switches
34. Fuse Replacement
a. Wind Switch. There is one wind switch
Fuses F1, F2, and F3 are located in holders
mounted on the control panel in the upper
sembly. Inspect each switch for loose connec-
right hand corner (fig. 7). To replace a fuse
tions, damage, and mechanical operation. Test
unscrew it counterclockwise (direction of
switch for continuity.
arrow ). Replace with new fuse. Screw in new
fuse clockwise until snug. Do not overtighten.
Switches. Inspect six toggle
b. Toggle
switches located on the control panel for loose
35. Identification Plate Replacement
connections, damage, tightness of mounting
and mechanical operation. Test each switch for
There are 12 identification plates on the
GPT-3D1 load bank. To remove any plate,
remove rivets holding the plate to the chasis.
Use new rivets to fasten the replacement plate
39. Rectifier
to the chassis in the same location.
Inspect rectifier (fig. 3) for evidence of
burning on plates, loose connections, and se-
36. Fan Service
cure mounting. Report burned plates to appro-
Refer to figure 15 and adjust the fan. In-
priate maintenance facility for repair.
spect or adjust fan only when load bank is
disconnected from power source. To remove
40. Terminal Studs
fan from fan motor shaft, loosen set screw on
a. Removal. The four terminal studs are lo-
fan hub. Slip fan off shaft by placing fingers
cated on input terminal board TBI and are
behind blades and pulling gently toward end
removed as follows:
of shaft. Check for damage or distortion. To
replace fan, slip hub of fan 3/8 inch from end
(1) Disconnect and tag wires from back
of shaft. Retighten set screw firmly. To check
of terminal board (see wiring dia-
for unbalance in blade, snap master switch to
(2) Refer to figure 14 and remove the
terminal studs.
Warning: Fan revolves at high speed, so
keep hands and tools free of path of rotating
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean all parts
with an approved cleaning solvent and dry
thoroughly. Inspect for cracks, breaks, and
37. Doors and Panels
damaged or stripped threads. Replace all de-
fective parts.
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to figure
c. Installation. Refer to figure 14 and the
13 to remove and install the door, panel, and
wiring diagram and install the terminal studs.
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