![]() TM 5-6115423-15
phase load tests, Make the following
15. General
a. The instructions in this section are pub-
(a) Single Phase Connection. To load
lished for the information and guidance of
a single phase generator tie the
personnel responsible for operation of the
terminals L1, L2, and L, together
load band.
by means of two copper shorting
b. The operator must know how to perform
links (fig. 8) which are furnished
every operation of which this load bank is
with the unit. Connect leads from
capable. This section gives instructions for
tested equipment securely to L,
starting and stopping, basic operations of the
and L0 on terminal board. Hand
load bank and coordination of these functions
tighten knobs.
to perform the specific tasks for which the
(b) Three Phase, Three Wire Connec-
equipment is designed. Since nearly every job
tion. To load a three phase, three-
presents a different problem, the operator may
wire generator, connect leads to
have to vary a given procedure to fit the indi-
terminals L1, L2, and L,. Do not
vidual job.
use the copper shorting links to tie
the terminals together.
16. Starting the Equipment
(c) Three Phase, Four Wire Connec-
tions. To load a three phase, four-
a. Preparation for starting.
wire generator connect leads to
Perform the necessary daily preven-
terminals L1, L2, L3, and neutral
tive maintenance services.
line L0. Do not use the copper
(2) Check load requirements.
shorting links to tie the terminals
(3) Make sure that all ventilating doors
are open and unobstructed, that
(d) Ground lead. Connect the ground
toggle switches are in OFF position,
lead (fig. 2) on the control panel
and that variable load control knob
to an adequate ground such as a
is turned full counterclockwise.
water pipe so as to properly ground
(4) Open the exhaust door for access to
the metal chassis and cabinet.
the connector plug, two receptacles
and terminal strip TB. Plug connec-
load bank.
tor and receptacles are located on
the baffle assembly. The plug when
inserted in the low voltage receptacle
be present at the load bank resistive elements
for loading generators rated 120/208
during check out test. Dangerous shock haz-
volts, 3-phase 4-wire; 120 volts single
ards are present, Do not place hands or tools
phase two wire or 240 volts 3-phase,
near the motor fan while the Load Bank is
3-wire. High voltage receptacle JIB
sets up input connections for load-
Warning: Very toxic fumes of selenium dio-
ing generators rated 240/4 16 volts,
xide are given off when selenium coated plates
3-phase 4-wire and 240 volts single
burn. Never breathe the fumes. Keep fumes
or compound away from your skin. Handle
whether the relay senses high or low
the burned plates with gloves; dispose of
voltage, the Plug P, must be inserted
gloves or contaminated materials as prescribed
into the proper receptacle (either J1A
for toxic materials.
and J1B) for the loading circuitry to
17. Stopping the Equipment
(5) Connect leads to tested equipment to
t e r m i n a l strip for single or three
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