![]() TM 5-6115-423-15
and other electrical parts where dust
6. Unloading the Equipment
might interfere with operation.
The load bank is shipped completely assem-
(5) Look over switches and other interior
bled enclosed in a wooden crate with blocking
components for security of mounting.
supports that prevent shifting during transit.
Be sure the variable control knob
The base of the crate is raised to allow tongs
turns as indicated and that trans-
of a fork lift to be inserted in order to move
former components move as knob is
the load bank to site of operation or to storage.
7. Unpacking the Equipment
tive maintenance service.
Remove top, sides, and ends of the crate
and strip away weather resistant protective
9. Installation of Separately Packed
wrapping. Remove the cushioning packing
material from cabinet interior and the dessi-
The load bank is shipped as a completely
cants placed to remove moisture in transit.
self-contained unit. No installation of sepa-
In uncrating, not indication of damage to crate
rately packed components is required.
or to equipment. Strip away pressure-sensitive
tape over doors and openings. Remove hexa-
10. Installation or Setting-Up Instructions
gon head bolts and flat washers that secure
the base to the load bank.
a. Location. Select an area that will insure
free circulation of air around the unit and
8. Inspecting and Servicing
with sufficient working area for operating and
servicing. Front access panel and air exhaust
Warning: Do not connect the Load Bank to
door are easily removed for servicing. Allow
power source and energize until initial inspec-
adequate space for opening doors.
tion procedures have been carried out.
Caution: Allow a minimum of 25 feet separa-
a. Following the unpacking of the load
tion from fuel storage, combustible or volatile
bank, inspect the equipment making the follow-
materials. Operate in an area free from ob-
ing checks:
structions, with sufficient space for opening
(1) Check chassis and cabinet for indica-
doors and gaining access to components for
tions of possible damage.
operating and servicing.
(2) Check interior components for in-
transit damage.
b. Outdoor Installation. Protection against
(3) Check wiring and posts for loose con-
inclement weather and temperature extremes
should be considered. Need for a shelter will
(4) Brush or wipe away dust or other im-
be dictated by temperature, dust and climatic
purities on the power absorbers, vari-
conditions. Use of a tarpulin or cover when
able transformer, rectifier assembly
t h e load bank is not in use is recommended,
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