![]() TM 5-6115-423-15
Section 1. GENERAL
quantity; numbers preceding nomenclature
1. scope
callouts indicate preferred maintenance se-
a. These instructions are published for use
by personnel to whom the load bank is
d. DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
issued. Chapters 1 through 4 provide infor-
to DA Publication) will be used for report-
mation on operation, preventive maintenance
ing discrepancies and recommendations for im-
services, and organizational maintenance of
proving this equipment publication. This
equipment, accessories, components and attachm-
form will be completed by the individual using
ents. Also, included are instructions for de-
the manual and forwarded direct to Command-
stroying the equipment to prevent capture by
ing General, U.S. Army Mobility Equipment
an enemy. Chapter 5 through 7 provides infor-
Command, ATTN: AMSMEMP, 4300 Good-
mation for direct, general support, and depot
fellow Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
maintenance. Included are descriptions of main
e. Report all equipment improvement recom-
units and their functions in relationship to
mendations as prescribed by TM 38750.
other components.
b. Appendix A contains a list of publica-
2. Record and Report Forms
tions applicable to this manual. Appendix B
a. DA Form 2258 ( Depreservation Guide for
contains the maintenance allocation chart. Ap-
Vehicles and Equipment).
pendix C contains a list of basic issue items
b. For other record and report forms appli-
authorized by the operator of this equipment
cable to operator, crew and organizational main-
The organizational, direct and general support
tenance refer to TM 38-750.
and depot maintenance repair parts and special
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form 46
tools are listed in TM5-6115-423-25P.
(United States Government Motor Vehicle Operator's
c. Numbers in parentheses following nomen-
identification card) which is carried by the operator
clature callouts on illustrations indicate
shall be kept in a canvas bag mounted on the equipment.
generating equipment. Testing is accomplish-
3. Description
ed by applying to the generating equipment,
a. General. The Sun Electric Corp., Load
resistive loads in increments. They can be
Bank, Model GPT3D1 is a portable skid
manipulated in various combinations to simu-
mounted test unit fully self-contained and
late any resistive electrical load within the
mounted within a welded steel, weather tight
load bank rating, The load bank itself gener-
cabinet built integrally into a welded steel
ates no power. Its operation is entirely depend-
ent upon external power sources, and operates
through the system to which it is connected
as a loading and testing device for electrical
and must test. Loading characteristics may be
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