![]() TM 5-5430-209-12
b. Assembling First Bottom Plate. The first bottom plate
placed along each seam. Seams are identified as right
and left, facing the large end.
has a bolt channel placed under each radial lap seam
with radial bolts (1, fig. 4-2). Strip gasket (2) is
Figure 4-2. Installation of bottom plates.
not apply to the last bottom plate, since no further
(1) Starting at large end of plate, place bolt
assemblies are made on it. Keep the last bottom plate
channel under right and left lap seams of plate. Insert
separated from all other plates until it is installed in the
bolts through all except the chime boltholes in the plate
tank bottom.
and channel.
d. Assembling Outlet Plate.
(2) As channels are placed, position bolt
retaining boards against the boltheads to facilitate
(1) Block up plate 6 inches off the ground.
installation of gaskets (2, fig. 4-2).
Cut six 1-hole gaskets from strip gasket material (2, fig.
(3) Install gasket (2) along the full length of
4-2). Force a 1-hole gasket over and against the head
the right and left lap seams. Allow a 1-1/2-bolthole
of each flange bolt.
overlap at each end.
(2) Insert bolts through boltholes in inside
flange half from the outside face of the flange with
heads of bolts fitting into cutouts provided.
When there is a break in the gasket
(3) Lay bolt retaining boards on the ground.
material, ends should overlap two
Position flange assembly with bolt heads resting on the
boltholes and be cut squarely across the
boards. Slip a gasket over the bolts and, using a round
second hole. Sealing compound must
smooth-mouth tool, force gasket down against inside
be applied to each end of the overlap
face of the flange.
strip to ensure a leakproof joint.
(4) Work from the ground face of plate (7, fig.
4-1) and push bolts through boltholes of the flanged
assembly, move this plate to its approximate installation
opening. Place blocking under bolt and flange assembly
position on the tank foundation.
to hold it in position.
c. Assembling Intermediate Bottom Plates. There are
(5) Slip gasket over bolts and force it down
against the inside face of the plate.
ten intermediate plates, including an outlet plate (7, fig.
(6) Slip outside flange half over the bolts with
4-1)which are assembled with channels and strip
machined face of flange facing gasket.
gaskets. Except that the channels are placed under the
(7) Install steel washer and nuts on bolts and
right lap seams, follow the assembly procedure outlined
in b above. The outlet plate (7) has, in addition, a blind
tighten the bolts. Remove plate from blocking and lay it
on the tank foundation.
flange set assembled on it. The above procedures do
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