TM 5-5420-205-14
Figure 3-1. Lubrication points (sheet 2 of 2).
corrected by replacing parts will be recorded on DA
3-3. General
Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Main-
tenance Worksheet).
To insure that the interior bay and end bay
superstructures are ready for operation at all times,
3-4. Operator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and
they must be inspected systematically so that
defects may be discovered and corrected before
they result in serious damage or failure. The
a. Table 3-1 contains a tabulated list of
preventive maintenance checks and services to be
preventive maintenance checks and services which
performed by the operator are listed and described
must be performed by the operator.
in paragraph 3-4. The sequence numbers indicate
the sequence of minimum inspection requirements.
items to be serviced.
Defects discovered during operation of the unit will
(1) Figure 3-2(1) through (3) illustrate items
be noted for future correction, to be made as soon
to be serviced for superstructure models 2195-1
as operation has ceased. Stop operation im-
and 2195-2.
mediately if a deficiency is noted during operation
(2) Figure 3-3(1) through (3) illustrate items
which would damage the equipment if operation
to be serviced for superstructure models 2271 and
were continued. Only those faults that cannot be
corrected by the operator/crew, or that are
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