TM 43-0156
1 Completely drain the crankcase, oil filters, and
lube oil strainer.
2 Remove oil filter elements.
3 Connect a portable pump to the output of the
scavenging oil pump.
4 Pump MIL-L-21260, type I, grade 30 preservative
oil until preservative oil is observed in the lube
5 Disconnect pump from the scavenging pump.
6 Connect portable pump to the lube pump output.
7 Pump MIL-L-21260, type I, grade 30 preservative
oil through the lubrication system until preserva-
tive oil is seen coming from the camshaft bearings
1 and 9 (located on top of the engine toward the
radiator end).
8 Turn the engine over at least two full revolutions
while pumping preservative oil through the oil
9 Disconnect the portable pump.
10 Connect a portable pump to the piston cooling pump
11 Pump MIL-L-21260, type I, grade 30 preservative
oil though the system.
12 Open access covers to the crankcase to observe
when the preservation oil starts coming from the
piston cooling tubes.
13 Turn the engine over two full revolutions while
pumping preservative oil.
14 Disconnect the portable pump.
15 Atomize spray the underside of the pistons and
16 Close and secure the access covers.
17 Allow time for the engine to drain (approx 20
min). Completely drain the crankcase oil filters
and lube oil strainer of any oil.
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