TM 43-0156
Remove relief valves.
Atomize spray interior surfaces of tanks with
MIL-L-21260, type I, grade 30 preservative oil.
Install relief valves.
Leave drain valves open.
e. Generator Control Cabinet and High Voltage Compartment
Remove relay covers and place MIL-B-121 barrier
between disk and magnets. Set the protective relay
time dial settings to zero. Install and secure the
relay covers with QQ-W-461 wire.
If circuit breakers are Westinghouse, remove the arc
Fabricate PPP-B-601 boxes (37-3/4 x 21 x 32) For
the arc chutes in accordance with appendix D-l.
Refer to table B-l-l for list of materials.
Wrap the arc chutes with PPP-C-843 cushioning.
Place three arc chutes into each box.
Isolate the arc chutes from the sides of the box
and each other with MM-L-751 lumber (21 x 2 x 4P).
Seal box.
Rack breakers into place. Block and brace to
prevent movement.
Pack fuses from each cabinet as follows:
Wrap fuses with MIL-B-121 barrier and place in
MIL-B-131 barrier bags according to rating. Heat
seal bags. Mark bags with rating of fuses.
Place bagged fuses in a PPP-B-636 fiberboard box
(12 x 12 x 4).
Secure box in cabinet with MIL-T-22085 tape. PPP-
T-60, type 4, 4-inch wide tape, may be used as a
Coat electrical contacts and terminals with
MIL-C-83360 coating compound.
B-1-8 Change 1
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