![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
and develop or find simpler methods of accomplishing
the method to be employed and, in any case, should
serve as a valuable guide and check to more detailed
necessary work.
This can be accomplished by
questioning each step in the process (what and where,
analyses which may be made at a later date.
when and how, what and who), changing the sequence
of operations as necessary, combining some operations,
c. Work simplification.
The purpose of work
or eliminating some job elements.
simplification is to eliminate unnecessary work elements
Figure 8-2. Charts can take different forms.
to the production process unless this is an obvious and
d. Motion study. Motion study refers to the study
necessary recourse.
The actual timing of each
of the motions made by the workers in performing
performance is relatively simple. Assuring that the time
assigned tasks. This study may be merely the visual
reflects normal operations under normal conditions is
observation of the worker. Important things to observe
more difficult and requires an estimate of the pace of a
include the distance the operator reaches for his tools
worker by a skilled analyst or technician.
and supplies, the number of steps he takes, the
standards are valid as long as changes are not made in
repetition of tasks, and the smoothness of the motion
the operation, system, method, condition or type of
pattern. Often, merely by listing the specific tasks
operating equipment, or the number of personnel
carried out by a worker in connection with the
assigned to perform the work. Time standards include a
performance of an operation, unnecessary steps and
time allowance for personnel needs, normal worker
excessive movements can be eliminated.
fatigue, and avoidable delays of short duration.
e. Flow chart diagram. The flow chart and the flow
Changes made to work under time standards should be
diagram are used for the study of material flow from one
the result of methods analysis, change in product,
work area to another. A completed chart or diagram
equipment work content, or economic factors. Time
graphically depicts an operation. Included in the chart
standards provide a valuable tool for planning and
are distances, physical conditions affecting the
controlling work, as a means for measuring the
operation, and the number of times procedures and
efficiency of operations and for determining the amount
tasks are repeated.
of manpower resources required.
f. Methods study/work standards .
This is a
systematic analysis of an operation utilizing industrial
8-6. Use of Incentive Awards Program.
engineering techniques to determine the optimum
method or procedure to accomplish an operation and
a. The awarding of case and/or commendations for
the time it should take.
The operation must be
new and acceptable suggestions has become
_ one
segmented by the analyst into elements appropriate for
of management's most important tools. The
timing. This is not to be construed as physical revision
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