![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
5-66. Cable Rereeling.
At most military activities, cable reeling is not required
to the extent that special reeling equipment is
necessary. Most storage activities issue only full reel
quantities of cable. There is, however, a demand for
less than full reel quantities at some activities where
cable is issued for use. Reeling of all types of cable is
required to fill retail quantity requirements. Activities
which are required to issue electric cable in retail lots
should provide personnel with cable reeling equipment,
which will permit economical and safe operation.
a. Basic factors to determine need of cable
rereeling equipment includes the following:
Cost of equipment.
Availability of empty reels.
Cost of additional man-hours required.
Savings of man-hours when making
(5) Number of less than full reel issues.
Figure 5-72. Handling cable reels by crane with
spreader bar.
b. Methods and equipment.
(1) Reeling equipment required. The reeling
c. The fork truck is commonly utilized in the
equipment required should be determined by the
storage and handling of cable, especially where the
quantity of cable issued in less than full reel quantities.
reels are stored on their side. When handling reels with
At activities where small quantity issues are infrequent,
a fork truck, a crane should be used to place reels in a
hand reeling equipment as shown in figure 5-73 should
horizontal position. Reels should not be tipped and
be utilized. However, if large quantities of less than full
allowed to fall to a horizontal position, as the impact
reel quantity issues are made, powered reeling
may damage the reel or cable. To further facilitate
equipment will be more economical.
storage operations, it is good practice to place on each
reel, prior to being stored, necessary dunnage to support
the reel of cable to be superimposed on the stack.
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