![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
sides). The drums are transported to and from shipping
5-53. Inspection.
All filled drums will be carefully inspected for condition
with the attachments when the distances are
and proper marking before being put in the storage area.
approximately 400 feet, or are placed on large
After storage has been completed, periodic inspection
warehouse trailers for transporting between carriers and
should be adequate under normal conditions. If a drum
storage location when distances are greater than 400
leaks at the closure, it should be tightened and the
gasket replaced if necessary. Drums which show signs
of leakage or excessive corrosion or appear otherwise
c. Drum pallets.
Drum pallets constructed to
unfit for storage will be removed immediately from the
MILP-21875 requirements may be efficiently used for
area and the contents transferred to satisfactory
some storage applications.
containers. If the integrity of the product is suspect,
usability must be determined prior to issue.
5-52. Quality Surveillance.
a. Quality surveillance as used herein is the
5-54. Safety Measures.
aggregate of measures to be applied to maintain the
a. General. Instructions relative to safety
usability quality of petroleum products in order that
measures and fire protection are covered in chapter 6.
these products may be in a condition suitable for
immediate use. The petroleum industry and the military
b. Cause of petroleum fires. Fires in packaged
procurement activities make every effort to provide
petroleum storage areas may be caused by the
clean and on-specification products. A vigilant quality
surveillance program is necessary to ensure the supply
(1) Sparks and open flames can produce
of clean and on-specification products to the using fields
explosions and subsequent fires in flammable vapors.
units. Good house-keeping practices will ensure order
(2) Static electricity can be generated by the
and cleanliness as well as promote safety.
passage of fluid through a hose, by agitation of a fluid in
b. Many things can happen to petroleum products
a container, by the movement of a truck over the
to affect their quality and performance value after
highway, and by other means. In the presence of
delivery and during their handling, storage, and
readily flammable vapors, such an electrical charge
dispensing in the depot.
For example, careless
constitutes a definite hazard.
handling, contamination, exposure to abnormal
(3) Lightning discharge can cause petroleum
temperatures, confusion of markings, or inefficient
control of stock can cause leakage and spoilage,
(4) Leaks not only waste product, but also
resulting in damage to, and excessive maintenance of
constitute fire hazards.
(5) Smoking is a common hazard and will not
c. Water is a common source of contamination
be tolerated in petroleum storage areas.
which can render petroleum products useless for
c. Fire plan.
service. Many petroleum products contain various types
(1) Petroleum. Every petroleum storage area
of additives and the seepage of water into the
will have a definite fire plan, with regulations on fire
containers may remove these additives or cause
prevention and instructions on fire fighting.
emulsions. The use of such products may result in
damage to equipment. Water contamination may result
(2) Fire dangers.
All personnel handling
from rough handling or from improper application of
petroleum will be made conscious of the constant
plugs and gaskets, which permits breathing and
danger from fires and of the precautions required.
subsequent condensation of water vapor. Storage of
(3) Equipment. Proper equipment for fighting
drums on their sides with proper blocking and shoring
fires must be provided in accordance with section II,
will avoid the trapping of water on the heads within the
chapter 7, MIL-HDBK-201.
(4) Clearance. The distance from filled drum
d. Opened packaged products should be sealed
storage to structures, drum filling plants, operational
and marked as having been previously opened and for
buildings, and sources of ignition must not be less than
immediate consumption.
500 feet for low-flash products and 200 feet for high-
e. Inefficient supply control of products in a depot
flash products. Storage areas for drummed petroleum
can result in spoilage and loss. The practice of "FIFO"
products must be far enough away from overhead
will reduce spoilage caused by long storage. Check
electric lines so that no part of a broken wire can fall
date of filling and store products so that the oldest is
upon the drums.
issued first.
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