![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 5-47. Typical types of grinding wheels.
g. Cloth-backed thin discs. Cloth-backed thin discs
d. Straight and tapered wheels. Most straight and
should be supported and weighted the same as bonded
tapered wheels should be stored on edge in racks. The
wheels and should be stacked cloth to cloth and grain to
racks should provide two point cradle support for the
grain to avoid damage to the cloth backing. Also, this
wheels to prevent rolling. A sufficient number of
method of stacking will help to prevent warpage.
partitions to prevent wheels from tipping over should be
provided. An individual section is recommended for
h. Small-shaped wheels. Small-shaped wheels
each wheel of unusual shape.
such as plugs and cones should be stored in boxes,
e. Thin organic bonded wheels. Thin organic
bins, or drawers.
bonded wheels should be stored on a flat surface away
from excessive heat. A heavy steel plate or thick
5-37. Glass.
vitrified wheel makes a good foundation for stacking,
a. Storage. The RH in glass storage areas
and similar plate or wheel placed on the top of the stack
should not exceed 65 to 70 percent, because moisture
will help prevent warpage.
and dampness have a tendency to etch glass when it is
f. Cylinder, cup, and saucer wheels. Cylinder
stored for long periods of time. Glass should be stored
wheels and large straight cup wheels can be stacked on
in original containers until ready for issue. If glass is
the flat side with corrugated paper or other cushioning
removed from original containers, the three types of
material between the wheels, or can be stored in racks
storage racks generally used for storage are the "A"
similar to the racks used for storing straight wheels.
type, pocket type, and slotted type. Because of its
Large flaring cup wheels should be placed flat on a
fragility, glass should be handled with extreme care.
horizontal shelf, alternating the position so wheels are
Persons handling large sheets of glass should use
stacked base against base and face against face. Small
rubber grips or pads.
saucer, cup, and dish wheels, without thin, easily
b. Small size glass. Window glass and other small
damaged edges or rims, can be stored on edge.
size glass should be stored in pocket-type storage racks
if removed from original containers. If possible, the
racks should be constructed from
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